Chapter 49

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"I — I don't understand... why?" Jenna mused, a light frown forming upon her forehead.

     "Harry's young and vulnerable. His mind is wide open and he's unfamiliar with Occlumency. It would be easy for a powerful wizard to penetrate his thoughts and see you in his memories, if he knew of your true identity," Dumbledore started explaining. "Nobody knows that you're alive other than a fair few, and that's an advantage. You'll come to realize this some day."

      Jenna said nothing for long seconds, but at last, she finally nodded her head in agreement.

     "Miss Potter," Dumbledore started quietly after a long pause, walking closer to her, "if you take out your wand this moment and curse me off, I well have deserved it. What happened to you, and the way you suffered in these twelve years was fully my fault, and I don't deny it. Please, do accept my apology. But perhaps it was for the better. It was for Harry's and your own safety."

      Jenna did not respond. But after agreeing to the deal, Dumbledore explained everything that had happened that night to her; from how Hermione and Harry had used the time turner and freed Buckbeak, to how they had helped Sirius escape with a Hippogriff.

Jenna was sad that she hadn't gotten the chance to say goodbye to him or didn't even know where he was going off to right now, but she was glad beyond belief that Sirius was safe, no matter where he was.

That night, Jenna didn't return back to the Gryffindor tower after Dumbledore had left. Instead, she remained by the Black Lake, now back to her cat form. She stayed awake for hours, watching the still water. All she could think about was Sirius.

She didn't know when was going to be the next time she would see him, or where he would be hiding. Her life was too unpredictable and she had now idea how the rest of her days would proceed.

All she knew was that she already missed him. She missed waking up in his arms. She missed the feeling of his lips on hers, and the rush she felt whenever he touched her.

She still couldn't believe that after twelve years of being apart and then finally reuniting, they had only spent one night together, which now almost a year had passed from then.

The next morning, however, Jenna walked up to the castle as Crookshanks, strolling along the corridors on her ginger paws. But yet again, she didn't go to the Gryffindor common room. Instead, she went down to Remus's office.

Making sure no one was around, she transformed into a random student she had seen in the common room and opened the office's door, walking inside. Although to her surprise, the room was empty and instead, many trunks and books were laying around.

Just then, Jenna jumped when she heard the office's door close behind her. Turning around abruptly, she sighed in relief and grinned when she saw Remus walking in.

At her sight, Remus came to a short halt, watching her with a thoughtful frown. "Let me guess... you're not really Miss Vane, are you?"

Grinning, Jenna transformed back to her own form, shaking her head at him in mock-disappointment. "Tsk, tsk... honestly, what would you have done if I really were a student?"

"Well, no student is really rude enough to sneak into my office like you always do," Remus said playfully, walking forward.

"Ouch." Jenna gasped dramatically, as if personally offended, and Remus smiled at her. She then looked him up and down. He looked more worn out than ever. "Don't you look miserable."

"Why, thank you," Remus said sarcastically, before letting out a short sigh. "I still feel sick from last night."

Jenna smiled innocently. "Why? You're pregnant?"

Remus shot her a glare, making her laugh.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist that line." She chuckled. "So what are you up to? Your office is a mess. If I recall correctly, you even used to fold your socks, Moony. What's got into you?"

"Well, I've just been to Dumbledore's office," Remus said heavily, taking out his wand to neatly fly his books into one of the open trunks. "I resigned."

"What!?" Jenna exclaimed, her eyes widening. "Why?"

"Don't you remember what happened last night?" Remus frowned, looking ill and pale. "I nearly killed all of you! What if it happened again? Besides... someone accidentally slipped that I'm a werewolf. And now the whole school knows about me... I can't possibly stay."

"Let me guess," Jenna growled bitterly, "it was that stupid grease-ball, wasn't it?"

Remus chuckled, but before he could open his mouth and say anything, they both turned around when they heard a knocking at the office's window. Looking around, they saw an owl outside the window, a letter attached to its leg.

Remus walked forward and pulled the window open, letting the owl inside. He took the letter from it and as he read the name behind it, the owl flew away.

"It's signed S.B. It's from Sirius," he said, walking back toward Jenna and handing it to her. "Must be for you."

"Right..." Jenna took a sharp breath before opening it, moving forward so she and Remus could read it at the same time.

Dear Jenna,

Before I say anything else, I want you to know that I'm safe. I'm currently staying somewhere with Buckbeak temporarily. I'll be waiting for you here, so we can leave together as soon as you come to me. I won't tell you where I am exactly, incase this letter falls into the wrong hands. But I'll give you a hint.

     It's where I saw you shirtless for the first time.

"Oh, Lord." Remus briskly looked away at those words and cleared his throat awkwardly, going back to organizing the office and packing.

Jenna shook her head at the nerve of Sirius, unaware that her hair had almost turned pink at those words. And so she read on.

This place is already protected by old charms, so I would be safe here for the time being. I hope to see you soon.

Your fluffy dog,

     Jenna laughed to herself after finishing. She could vividly remember that in her fifth year at Hogwarts, Sirius had sent her a letter on Christmas, and he had signed it with these same words.

     With a smile, she tucked the letter in her pocket, before turning to face Remus. "I guess this is goodbye, then."

     "Yes..." Remus smiled.

      But before he could say anything, Jenna moved forward in a quick motion and brought him into a hug. Remus took aback, but he soon leaned in and hugged her back.

     After what felt like ages, they both slowly pulled away, sad smiled dangling on their lips.

     "I'll see later, Moony." Jenna winked at him before transforming back to one of the students and making her way toward the office's door.

      "Where are you going now?" Remus questioned as she opened the office's door.

     "To the kitchen," Jenna replied, grinning. "There's something I have to do."

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