Chapter 195

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Sirius felt his whole body go numb. He'd never felt this scared in his entire life as he and Remus ran out of the entrance hall and through the Hogwarts grounds, following where Jenna's name on the map was, without moving.

But they both came to a sudden halt when they reached the Black Lake. The sun had just risen, turning the sky in into a beautiful shade of pink. The sunlight beamed across the endless water, casting what looked like glimmering pearls on the surface.

     There, they saw Jenna sitting down on the grass, staring at the water in silence with her back facing them.

"She's... she's fine..." Sirius muttered in a hollow voice, staring at her as the sense of relief washed over him.

At the sound of his voice, Jenna turned her head to glance behind her shoulder, seeing Remus and Sirius standing there frozen on the spot, as though they had both become paralyzed.

"Hi." She smiled at them, but to her surprise, neither of them returned it.

"Jenna, what were you thinking coming here without even telling anybody! We searched the whole damn castle for you!" Sirius said sharply. "We've been so worried!"

"Oh... sorry," Jenna murmured. "I came to sit here to get away from the crowd for some while. I... I needed some alone time to think."

Sirius sighed and walked forward, raising his hand for Jenna to take and so helped her up to her feet. He then placed a strand of her long brown hair behind her ear, looking into her eyes lovingly.

"I'm just glad you're okay," he said softly. "How's the baby? You don't have any pains or anything, do you?"

"No. Everything's fine." Jenna shook her head earnestly. "How did you find me?"

"The Marauder's Map," Remus replied, catching her by surprise.

"But my name doesn't show up on it," she said.

"That's what I thought, too." Sirius nodded. "But Remus said that because you're pregnant, your spell would be broken. Technically, the dot we saw was the baby, but because the baby's not born yet, it shows up with your name on it."

"Oh..." Jenna muttered, looking back at the lake. But before either Sirius or Remus could say anything, she blurted out, "I killed Avery... with the killing curse. Travers is dead too."

"This is good news. Then what's the matter?" Remus asked as he walked closer to the edge of the Black Lake where the other two stood. He could see the troubled look on her face.

Jenna hesitated for a few seconds, as though considering in her head whether she should tell them or not.

At last, she decided to speak. "Do you remember the story of 'The Three Brothers' from when we were children?"

     Remus and Sirius were both surprised to hear that question, seeing as this was probably the last thing they had expected Jenna to speak about. But they both nodded, wondering where she was going with this.

"Well, the story was about three wizards who had faced Death," Jenna went on. "They were gifted with the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone, and the Cloak of Invisibility."

"Okay...?" Sirius raised a curious brow at her.

Jenna sighed, turning to glance at him again with an unreadable expression upon her complexion that Sirius had never seen before. When she spoke again, the two of them became even more confused.

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