Chapter 58

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After taking the Floo Network in the Wizarding village nearby, Jenna found herself back in England, in the Leaky Cauldron at Diagon Alley.

     Drawing her cloak's hood over her head even though she looked like a random person, Jenna soon Disapparated out of Diagon Alley, finding herself the next moment in an alleyway near the Grangers' household.

     Jenna hid herself behind a wall, checking everywhere to make sure that no one was around, before she turned into a cat and strolled her way down the street, until she reached Hermione's house.

     It was still morning and so as Crookshanks hopped on the windowsill outside their living room and looked inside, she saw Hermione sitting on the couch along with parents, watching television. Although Hermione had a book in her hands, skimming through.

     So with that, Crookshanks started meowing as loud as she could and scratched against the window's glass, trying to get their attention.

     The first person to look over was Mrs. Granger, whose eyes widened in shock at her sight. She then got to her feet and said something that Jenna couldn't hear, but managed to bring Hermione and her father's attention toward the cat.

     Mrs. Granger then moved forward, opening the window to their living room. She then bent down, picking the ginger and furry cat up in her arms.

     "Crookshanks! Where have you been all this time!?" She gasped in surprise, bringing the cat inside.

     Jenna turned her yellow eyes on Hermione to see her reaction. The girl's eyes were widened as she stared back at Crookshanks, unable to utter a single word. The look of horror was visible on her pale expression.

      "I told you she would come back," said Mr. Granger from where he sat on the couch. "Cats have great sense of direction."

     "W-well, maybe we should set her free," Hermione suggested, slightly stammering. "There had to be a reason for her to leave in the first place. Maybe — maybe it's not right to keep her captive here."

     "Oh Hermione, we're not keeping her captive," said Mrs. Granger, chuckling. "We're taking care of her, if anything."

     Jenna had to hold back the urge to nod in agreement, trying to remind herself that it wasn't normal for cats to nod in someone's response.

     "There you go," said Mrs. Granger, setting Crookshanks down on the floor. "I'll go get you a bowl of water. And I think we've got some left over chicken from today's lunch."

     Jenna wasn't really hungry, but obviously she couldn't protest as Mrs. Granger left for the kitchen, while Mr. Granger had his focus on the television.

     But Hermione was still eyeing Crookshanks anxiously, though Jenna was relieved that neither of her parents had noticed her strange reaction to seeing her cat again.

      Jenna knew that she owed the girl a full explanation, and so when she was sure that Mr. and Mrs. Granger weren't paying attention, she turned her yellow eyes back toward Hermione. With a knowing look at the girl, Crookshanks then turned on her paws and started going up the stairs.

     Jenna was grateful for Hermione's smart mind, because she took the hint and despite obviously not wanting to, she followed Crookshanks up the stairs either way.

     When Hermione followed the cat to the second floor, Crookshanks sent her another look before walking into Hermione's room. Groaning to herself miserably, Hermione went after the cat and entered her bedroom, abruptly closing the door behind her.

     On cue, Jenna transformed back to her human form and took out her wand to perform the protection charms around the room, but Hermione stopped her when she briskly grabbed ahold of her wrist.

     "No!" she hissed quietly, so no one downstairs could hear her. "You're going to get me expelled! I already got a warning at the beginning of summer from the Ministry because of you! I had to tell my parents I was sleepwalking when I did the magic! Do you have any idea how hard it was to convince them that I didn't need therapy!?"

      Jenna couldn't help but snort with laughter, which caused Hermione to give her a look.

      "Oh, c'mon. You gotta admit it was kinda funny," Jenna said quietly with a grin, moving forward to lock the bedroom's door with the key behind it.

      "What are you doing here!?" Hermione asked desperately, looking more nervous than she had ever been in her life.

      "Er... I was actually hoping to ask you a little favor."

      "Which is...?" Hermione folded her arms, her eyebrows furrowing.

      Jenna cleared her throat before saying, "Can I be your cat again?"

     "What!?" Hermione exclaimed, but then quickly clapping a hand to her mouth. Although when no sound from downstairs followed, they concluded that her parents hadn't heard her.

     "Look, I need to come back to Hogwarts, and this is the only way," Jenna said desperately. "Please... I need your help."

      "Look, Mrs. Potter or... whatever your name is. But you've given me no reason to trust you. I've been searching all modern history books and there was no recollection anywhere that stated Harry Potter had an aunt named Jenna Potter."

      "That would be Dumbledore's doing. Some don't even know that I ever existed, and those who do believe that I'm dead," Jenna muttered under her breath, mostly talking to herself. But she then shook her head, turning to face Hermione again. "Look... at least do you trust Sirius?"

     "W-well, yes, I suppose so —"

     "And do you remember that I've been helping him last year to capture Pettigrew, undercover as a cat?"

      "Yes, but — but why?"

      "Merlin, and I thought you were the smart one." Jenna grinned. "James was my brother, and Lily my best friend. Of course I had to go after the bastard who's the reason they're dead. I'm a Metamophmagus, so I had the ability to transform into a cat. And what other animal is more convenient than a cat, to chase after a filthy rat?"

      "So you knew Harry's parents... and Professor Lupin... and Sirius too..."

      "Yes, you can say I know Sirius well, considering the fact that he's my fiancé."

     "What!?" Hermione whispered urgently, her eyes widening again. "But... where have you been all these years? And why does no one know that you're alive?" she questioned curiously.

      Jenna was finding amusement in this conversation more than she thought she would. So she just smiled mischievously, saying, "Do you have time for a long story?"

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