Chapter 98

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The following night, Jenna was supposed to leave Grimmauld Place and go to the Ministry of Magic in the form of one of its random workers, so she could patrol outside the Department of Mysteries. Her duty was to stand guard behind the door which could lead them to the Hall of Prophecy.

    As Dumbledore had said, Voldemort was going to try anything to get his hands on the prophecy which had tied his and Harry's fate together. Because Voldemort had only heard the first half of the said prophecy, meanwhile the other part could hopefully tell him how to bring Harry to his end.

     Jenna didn't know the exact words that were said in the prophecy, but all she knew was that it had to be protected from being stolen by the Death Eaters. Although something that Voldemort wasn't aware of, was the fact that the prophecy could only be taken by the people it was made about; which meant either him, or perhaps Harry.

     Voldemort obviously wasn't going to burst into the Ministry and take the prophecy himself, seeing as Fudge had made the Dark Lord's work much easier by denying his return fully. But this didn't mean that the other Death Eaters wouldn't try to get into the Department of Mysteries.

      "Harry's getting more and more frustrated, you know," said Sirius while Jenna was getting dressed to leave. "I keep telling him to be careful and not to do anything rash, but... I really don't know how much longer he can take being kept in the dark."

     Sirius was rereading the letter he had just received from Harry, while Hedwig was resting on the desk beside the window after a long fly from Privet Drive.

    "Well, he has every right to be," said Jenna, pulling her blue hair up into a high ponytail as she was standing in front of the mirror. "He's been stuck at the Dursley's for the whole summer without a single clue as to what is going on here. Dumbledore has even made Ron and Hermione promise that they wouldn't tell him anything."

Jenna then dug into her magical bag and took out a small bowl, before conjuring some water into it with her wand. She went and placed the bowl on the desk before Hedwig, so the owl could have some water before flying off again.

Although apparently, under Harry's orders, Hedwig never left without a response, and kept pecking their hands with her beak until they wrote Harry a letter back.

     "At least he can leave the house and go for a stroll if he wants to," Sirius said gloomily, putting down Harry's letter on the desk.

    Jenna sighed at those words and walked closer to Sirius, wrapping her arms around his neck to make him look back at her.

     "I know it must be hard for you to stay here, Sirius, but please understand that it's for your own good," Jenna tried to reason with him for what felt like the hundredth time since they had moved to Grimmauld Place. "Now that Pettigrew is back on Voldemort's side, he would have told him about your Animagus form. And Voldemort has many followers inside the Ministry, which means that the Ministry might know about your disguise too."

     "But I feel useless while I'm stuck here!" Sirius huffed loudly, shaking his head furiously. "All I've been able to do so far was to try and clean up this goddamn place! But even that seems pointless, because no matter what we do and no matter how much Molly and her kids try to help, this place is still dirty! I have no idea what Kreacher had been doing here all these years!"

     Jenna had no idea what she was supposed to say to possibly make him feel any better, so she decided not to say anything at all, and instead, she went on tiptoes and planted a soft and quick kiss on his lips.

    "It'll be all right," she said comfortingly and smiled, even though she wasn't sure of it herself either.

     "I remember how Lily used to say in her letters that James was becoming so frustrating for having to stay in the house all day long, back when they were in hiding," Sirius said with a quiet tone. "And now I understand how he was feeling."

     "Well, do you also remember what happened one night when James decided to sneak out of the house?" Jenna raised a brow at him. "He was caught, Sirius. He was caught by Death Eaters, back when I was still undercover as Alecto Carrrow. They brought him there, and kept torturing him for information. It was my worst nightmare coming true."

     After Jenna was done and fell quiet, Sirius remained silent and had nothing to say in response, for he had understood her point. And yet, he couldn't get himself to say anything to her in return.

    "Look..." Jenna started again when Sirius remained quiet, "I'm just worried about you. And I don't think I can handle it anymore if I lose you again."

    "Trust me, if I stay in this bloody house any longer, I'll die and you'll lose me all the same," Sirius joked, making her chuckle.

     So Jenna just smiled up at him, grazing her hand over his cheek. "I love you so much."

    "I love you too, Kitten," he said with a little grin, pecking her on the lips.

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