Chapter 115

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"What are you talking about?" Jenna questioned with a frown, glancing between the three of them, as if desperate for an answer.

"It's Dolores Umbridge," said McGonagall, her eyes drowned in concern.

"Umbridge!?" Jenna exclaimed, having heard that name many times before. "She's the one who wrote that anti-werewolf legislation! She's the reason Remus is living a miserable life!"

"She's done way worse, believe me," Snape said coldly.

"Then why is she even here!?" Jenna cried out, looking directly at Dumbledore for an explanation.

"Unfortunately the Ministry has left us no other choice," said Dumbledore.

"So is that what's going on?" Jenna mused. "The Ministry's trying to interfere at Hogwarts?"

"I'm afraid so." Dumbledore nodded lightly, speaking in a quiet voice.

"Well, can't we just — you know — hex the woman and then keep her hostage in the dungeons until we find another Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?" Jenna suggested sheepishly.

"Potter!" Professor McGonagall gasped. "The answer is not violence!"

"Oh, come now, Minerva," Jenna grinned, "this is not violence. This is — this is a simple act of precocious."

"We can't do anything but to tolerate her for the time being," McGonagall went on, "or else, the Ministry will close down Hogwarts. They already have enough grudge against Dumbledore as it is. If Hogwarts closes down, many Muggleborns will be in danger out there. This is the safest place for them at the moment, considering the fact that You-Know-Who is back, and he's stronger than ever."

A long silence fell upon the room. Jenna found herself lost in her thoughts. She couldn't make sense out of everything that was going on around them.

     So what if they try to interfere at Hogwarts? she thought to herself, trying to be optimistic despite what her gut was telling her. I mean... What's the worst that could happen?


After promising the Headmaster that she would come back if Mickey had any news from around the castle, Jenna left Dumbledore's office before transforming back to Crookshanks.

She made her way toward the Gryffindor common room and sat behind the portrait of the Fat Lady, waiting until three of the students came forward and said the password.

The moment the portrait swung open, Jenna snuck inside. The Gryffindor common room looked as welcoming as ever, a cozy circular tower room full of dilapidated squashy armchairs and rickety old tables.

     A fire was crackling merrily in the grate and a few people were warming their hands before going up to the dormitories; on the other side of the room Fred and George Weasley were pinning something up on the notice board. As it seemed, Hermione and Lexi had already gone up to their dorm.

Crookshanks was just about to climb up the spiral staircase, but her attention was suddenly caught when she saw Harry talking to Seamus and Dean, and she immediately felt how tense the common room's atmosphere had become. Everyone had their eyes on Harry, falling quiet at his sight.

"Me mam didn't want me to come back," Seamus said, looking coldly at Harry's direction.

"What?" said Harry, pausing.

"She didn't want me to come back to Hogwarts."

    "But — why?" said Harry, astonished.

     "Well," he said in a measured voice, "I suppose... because of you."

     "What d'you mean?" said Harry quickly.

     Crookshanks froze on the spot, right beside the first step, her heart beating fast in her chest.

     "Well," said Seamus again, avoiding Harry's eyes, "she... er... well, it's not just you, it's Dumbledore too..."

     "She believes the Daily Prophet?" said Harry angrily. "She thinks I'm a liar and Dumbledore's an old fool?"

     "Don't you have a go at my mother," Seamus snapped.

     "I'll have a go at anyone who calls me a liar," said Harry.

     "Don't talk to me like that!"

     "I'll talk to you how I want," said Harry, his temper rising so fast he
snatched his wand out of his robes. "If you've got a problem sharing a dormitory with me, go and ask McGonagall if you can be moved, stop your mummy worrying —"

     "Leave my mother out of this, Potter!"

     "What's going on?" Ron had appeared in the common room, looking around.

     "He's mad, is what's going on!" Seamus bellowed, turning to face Ron sharply. "You believe all the rubbish he's come out with about You-Know-Who, do you, you reckon he's telling the truth?"

     "Yeah, I do!" said Ron angrily.

     "Then you're mad too," Seamus said in disgust.

     "Yeah? Well unfortunately for you, pal, I'm also a prefect!" said Ron, jabbing himself in the chest with a finger. "So unless you want detention, watch your mouth!"

     Seamus looked for a few seconds as though detention would be a reasonable price to pay to say what was going through his mind. But with one last glare at Ron and Harry, he fell quiet as Harry stormed away toward their dorm.

      "Anyone else's parents got a problem with Harry?" Ron said aggressively. When nobody answered, he turned around and followed Harry upstairs, disappearing out of sight.

     Well, that was intense, Jenna thought to herself as the whole common room fell silent.

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