Chapter 114

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"We'd better change," said Hermione at last. She and Ron pinned their prefect badges carefully to their chests, and Ron checked how it looked in the black window.

At last the train began to slow down and they heard the usual racket up and down it as everybody scrambled to get their luggage and pets assembled, ready for departure.

Ron and Hermione were supposed to supervise all this; they disappeared from the carriage again, leaving Harry and the others to look after Crookshanks and Pigwidgeon.

"I'll carry that owl, if you like," said Luna to Harry, reaching out for Pigwidgeon as Neville stowed Trevor carefully in an inside pocket.

     "Oh — er — thanks," said Harry, handing her the cage and hoisting Hedwig's more securely into his arms.

     Once all the students left all their luggages and pets, and got on the carriages which took them to Hogwarts, Crookshanks suddenly found herself in the Gryffindor dormitory the next moment, magically transported there.

     Hermione had already loosened her basket's door on purpose so Crookshanks could get out of it easily. Although the moment the ginger cat got out of the basket and found herself alone in the dorm, she transformed herself into a random student and soon left the common room.

     Jenna wanted to visit Dumbledore, although she knew that he must've been down at the feast in the Great Hall at the moment. So instead, she walked down the hallways of the castle and took a quick passageway, soon finding herself in front of the portrait of a bowl of fruit.

     She then stretched out her arm and tickled the pear. On cue, the painting of the pear let out a giggle, and the next moment the door swung open to reveal the kitchen.

     Jenna walked inside in the form of a random student, looking around the crowded kitchen. The house elves were running around, trying to get the dinner ready for the feast that night. They seemed to be so busy that they didn't even notice the newcomer's presence.

     Jenna carefully looked between the mass of house elves who were all in a rush, trying to see if she could spot Mickey.

     It took her some while to find their old house elf among the others, but Jenna smiled to herself when she finally found Mickey. With that, she made her way through the mass of house elves, until she reached Mickey as he was designing a dish full of pudding.

     "Mickey," Jenna called out, getting his attention.

     Mickey turned his head and stared at Jenna for long seconds until he exclaimed and cried out when he somehow recognized her.

     "Oh, my Lady J —!"

     "No, shh!" Jenna quickly said, looking around briskly to make sure none of the other elves had noticed. She then gave Mickey an apologetic smile, whispering quietly, "I'm sorry, but I think it's for the best if nobody else recognized me for who I really am."

     "Oh yes, of course!" Mickey lowered his voice so only Jenna could hear him, bowing down his head at her. "What can Mickey to do for his Mistress?"

     "Professor Dumbledore thought it would be good to have eyes and ears all over the castle," Jenna started, speaking even more quietly now. "We need an elf who is trustworthy, and I trust you with my life, Mickey."

    "Oh, how very kind of you!" Mickey cried out, his large eyes now glimmering with happy tears.

     "I might visit you more often from now on, but each time in the form of a different person," Jenna went on. "Please let me know if you notice or hear about anything odd going on around the castle."

     "Of course! It would be an honor to Mickey!" said the house elf excitedly, happy to help a member of his true family after a long time.

     "Thank you." Jenna smiled at him in appreciation. "It was so good to see you again, Mickey. I'll see you soon."

    Looking around one last time to make sure they weren't being overheard by other house elves, Jenna turned to leave. Although before exiting the kitchen, she sneaked out a roasted chicken leg, taking bites of it as she finally left the kitchen.

    Still in the form of another student, Jenna walked along the empty corridors and made her way to the other side of the castle, where Dumbledore's office was. Saying the password out loud, Jenna stepped up the staircase which had appeared, walking toward his office.

    The room was empty except for the many portraits of the old headmasters of Hogwarts, and of course Dumbledore's phoenix.

     "Well, hello there." Jenna chuckled as Fawkes let out a beautiful and ear-catching cry.

She then glanced up at the portrait of Phineas Nigellus Black, who was curiously watching her. The other side of his portrait was also connected the Grimmauld Place, meaning that he could visit both Hogwarts and Sirius's house.

"How's he doing?" Jenna asked Phineas, and he understood that she certainly meant Sirius.

"Miserable," said Phineas, a sneer spreading across his face.

Jenna gritted her teeth together and decided to ignore his grin, turning her attention on the bookshelf inside the office.

     Huffing to herself out of boredom, Jenna went and sat down on a chair beside Dumbledore's desk, stretching her legs out on the table as she leaned back on the chair coolly.

     She had to wait for nearly another hour there, but at last her head turned when she heard the door to the office open. The next moment, Professor Dumbledore walked inside along with McGonagall and Snape.

     "Manners, Potter," McGonagall said firmly when she saw Jenna's feet on the table.

     Rolling her eyes playfully, Jenna took her feet off and sat straight on the chair. "I'm no longer your student, and I'm still being lectured."

     "Decency has nothing to do with being a student," said McGonagall sternly.

     "Which reminds me," Jenna started, her grin widening, "I just realized that now that I'm no longer your student and I'm practically an adult —" Snape's lips curled up at those words "—that means I get to call you Minerva now. Ooh! Or Minnie!"

    "Let's just stay with McGonagall for now," said the Professor, trying to hold back a smile.

     Dumbledore chuckled, sitting behind his desk. "Did you speak with you house elf?" he asked, turning to face Jenna.

     "Yes, sir." Jenna nodded. "He agreed."

     "Good, but please be careful with your transformation," said Dumbledore. "I'm afraid, this year the castle is not a safe place for keeping secrets."

     Jenna frowned in confusion. "What do you mean?"

     "The new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is an ally to the Ministry," Snape explained gloomily. "And as it seemed from her little speech, she's here with many plans."

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