Chapter 96

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Everyone had fallen silent, staring between Lexi and Sirius curiously. Even the poor girl seemed lost at his reaction. But Crookshanks's yellow eyes were fixed on Sirius as she watched him carefully through her cat basket.

     So he sees it too, Jenna thought to herself, taking aback that she looked familiar to him as well.

"R-really?" Lexi questioned hesitantly, breaking the brief yet eerie silence between them.

    "I'm probably just being illusional," Sirius muttered, mostly talking to himself. He shook his head as if to snap himself back to reality, and finally tore his gaze away from her.

    Although just then, his eyes fell upon Crookshanks's basket which Hermione was carrying in her hands, the look on his face suddenly softening.

    "Here, give Crookshanks to me," Sirius offered with a little smile, moving forward to gently take the cat's basket from Hermione. "I'll take care of her."

After opening Crookshanks's basket and setting her free, Sirius led everyone else upstairs and proceeded to show them to the guest rooms in which they were supposed to stay at over summer.

     Meanwhile, Jenna went back to Sirius's room and transformed back to her human form, closing the door behind her quietly. With a light sigh, she went and laid down on the bed without bothering to get under the blankets. She just wanted to get some rest, seeing as the Order meeting was later that night.

Bill and Charlie had joined them as well and took a separate room to themselves. Although they were only planning on staying at Grimmauld Place temporarily, because they both had to leave soon and attend to the Order's business.

     Later that night, Molly sent the kids upstairs to sleep so the meeting could take place. Once Jenna was sure that the corridors were empty, she walked out of the room and went downstairs to join the others in the dining room. Almost everyone else had arrived, except for those who were on their missions.

     Dumbledore asked Jenna to join the guarding of the Prophecy in the Department of Mysteries over the next few weeks, by transforming into different Ministry members each time. Her first shift would start tomorrow night, right after Arthur.

     Although no matter how much Sirius protested to do something for the Order, Dumbledore insisted that Sirius should stay at Grimmauld Place, for his own safety.

    Jenna wouldn't admit it out loud, but as much as she hated seeing Sirius stuck in this miserable place, she didn't want him to put himself in danger. The whole Wizarding community were still searching everywhere for him, convinced that he was a convicted mass murderer.

     Sirius finally gave up and let the matter go, but throughout the rest of the meeting he was in an extremely bad mood, a grim and bitter expression planted upon his face.

     Once the meeting was finally over and everyone had left, Remus, Sirius, and Jenna walked to the quiet living room, seeing as both Arthur and Molly had gone upstairs to sleep.

     "By the way," Jenna started, turning to face Remus, "how did you manage to get Buckbeak here yesterday?"

      "Just a Disillusionment Charm," said Remus, leaning back on the armchair. "It's almost as good as an Invisibility Cloak."

     "No, I meant what spell did you use to get him through the doors. He's too huge to fit through," Jenna corrected herself.

     "Oh, I placed an Engorgement Charm on the doors to make them larger temporarily," Remus explained. "We got Buckbeak up in Sirius's parents' bedroom."

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