Chapter 03

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Sirius took aback at first, but finally melted into the kiss and closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around her and bringing her closer to him.

He never wanted to let go now that he finally had her in his arms after years of yearning. It felt surreal to him that she was alive and in his embrace. So he tried to hold her closer, even though it was impossible, afraid that she would disappear and he would wake up and realize that this was all a dream.

Jenna clenched onto the front of his clothes, holding herself up because she knew her knees would soon give in. She let her tears finally roll down her cheeks as she kissed him, her whole body trembling and shaking in shock and disbelief.

They finally pulled away after what felt like an eternity, pressing their foreheads against one another. With their eyes closed, they breathed in and out, trying to devour the moment.

"Why are you so wet?" Sirius finally said, breaking the silence.

Jenna snorted in laughter, pulling slightly away and giving him a look.

Sirius rolled his eyes with a grin, "Ugh, you know what I mean," he said, pointing at her soaked hair and clothes.

"It's pouring rain outside, in case it has escaped your notice," she replied cheekily.

"But why didn't you take an umbrella with you? You might get sick."

"I didn't have time to pack anything," said Jenna, shrugging. "I just took my wand and got here."

"What?" Sirius frowned in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Jenna sighed, running a hand through her hair. "We have a lot to talk about, Sirius. Both of us. I deserve to know the truth. All of it."

"O-okay." He nodded hesitantly, gesturing at the dusty bed. "Why don't you sit down?"

Jenna nodded, sitting down at the edge of the bed and Sirius joined her.

"All right..." he started. "What do you want to know?"

"Everything," said Jenna miserably. "Why did you switch the Secret Keeper to Peter? How is it that everyone thought you killed him and those twelve Muggles? How is Pettigrew still alive yet no one knows about it? How did you escape and why now, after all these years?"

"The day that we were going to put the charm on their house so Voldemort couldn't find Lily and James, I knew that Voldemort was onto me. He would've suspected that I was the Secret Keeper, so I had to switch it last minute."

"But why Pettigrew?" Jenna asked angrily, her face heating up in fury at the mention of the name.

"Because at the time, I thought that Remus was the spy," Sirius explained, a hint of deep regret in his voice. "So we chose Pettigrew. He went straight up to Voldemort and gave him their hiding place."

Jenna looked away, her eyes filling up with tears at the thought, but she shook her head, trying to forget that night.

"The Muggles... what about them?" she asked, swallowing.

"It was Pettigrew," said Sirius, grimacing once again. "He yelled at me in front of everyone in the street to show him mercy, he then cut his own finger, and blasted the whole street with a curse, killing all the Muggles nearby. He then transformed himself into a rat and ran away!"

"This all could've been avoided if you had told Dumbledore and me about the switching," said Jenna and Sirius merely nodded.

"Actually it would've been easier if I had just murdered him before giving the idea of making him the Secret Keeper," he said, burying his face in his hands. "This is all my fault... Lily and James are dead because of me. I killed them."

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