Chapter 05

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"I'm not sure if I'm comfortable wearing your father's clothes." Jenna turned at Sirius's voice as he walked into the kitchen, looking down at himself.

"Better than the garbage you were wearing," said Jenna jokingly and Sirius made a face at her, making her laugh as he sat down behind the small kitchen table.

There were many different kinds of food set before them on several plates. Sirius started on with them in hunger, as if it was the first time he was eating anything after ages, not stopping to even swallow as he took another bite.

They both ate in silence, and even though Jenna had no appetite unlike Sirius who was eating like an animal, she still found herself enjoying that meal more than all the ones she had those twelve years, seeing as she used to be all alone.

"This was amazing." Sirius sighed, leaning in his seat after he was finally full, having cleared out all the plates.

Jenna chuckled, watching him with a smile. But then her mind wondered off once again.

"You still haven't told me why you escaped now, all of a sudden? And why not a few years back?" she asked.

"Because I had finally found a reason to leave," Sirius replied and with that, he got to his feet. "Come upstairs. I'll show you."

Jenna followed his actions, moving away from the table and walking toward the staircase. When they got to the room again, Sirius took off a copy of the Daily Prophet from the ground.

"I found this copy in the trash in a Wizarding village nearby," he said, handing the newspaper to Jenna as they both sat down on the edge of the bed.

Jenna looked through it, confused. "I don't understand."

Sirius turned the paper over and pointed at a moving picture of a wizarding family on the front page.

Jenna still didn't know what he was talking about as she looked down at the picture of a large Wizarding family with two adults and their many children, only one them being a girl and the rest were freckly boys, waving at the camera cheerfully.

"What's this?"

"Don't you see?" said Sirius, and then he pointed at a rat that the youngest boy was holding. "That's Pettigrew!"

Jenna blinked a few times, but then shook her head. "How can you possibly be sure it's him?"

"Do you know how many times I've seen him transform? I know that bastard wherever I see him. Besides, look more closely; the rat's missing a toe."

"Er... so?"

"So the biggest part of Pettigrew that they could find was his finger," Sirius said grimly. "The bastard cut off a finger before running away, making everyone believe that I had murdered him so brutally that all that was left of him was a finger."

Jenna felt a rage of anger fill her up and her face heated up in fury, but she tried her best to shake it all away.

"But they're in Egypt," said Jenna, still looking down at the picture. "Why didn't you go there?"

"Read the article," Sirius pointed again. "These are the Weasleys. It says here that their four younger children will be attending Hogwarts this year. The rat belongs to that boy."

"That means that Pettigrew's gonna be —"

"—at Hogwarts," Sirius completed her, nodding. "I know. And that's why I came back."

"How did you know about this article before escaping Azkaban?"

"Fudge had come to Azkaban one day for inspection, and he had a similar copy of this in hand," he explained. "He came by my cell, and I asked him if I could have a look at the newspaper because I was bored. And then I saw this."

"Then you're planning on going to Hogwarts?"


"Does that mean that... Harry's gonna be there?"

"Yeah, I suppose... I think he's thirteen now."

Jenna thought about that for some while in silence, finally making up her mind. "I'm coming with you."

"What — no —!"

"You can't stop me from going, Sirius!" she retorted. "I want Peter dead as much as you do! And — Harry's gonna be there... I — I want to see him. I have to see him. Just wait till tomorrow, and then we'll go first thing in the morning. You need to rest for now. It's been a long night."

"Jenna, I've already had everything worked out, and it's going to be a long journey. You can't —"

"We'll come up with a new plan later! I can help!"

"Ugh, why do you you have to be so stubborn!"

Jenna grinned. "Because I'm a Potter."

But unlike how she expected Sirius to laugh at her joke, he just looked away, a look of sadness on his expression.

"What?" Jenna mused.

"Well... if I hadn't left you that night... maybe you wouldn't even be a Potter right now... maybe we could've gotten married or... you know... start a family."

Jenna's grin faded at that, feeling her throat go sore. "What's done is done — there's no point thinking about the past. Besides," she started with a smile, holding out her ring finger. "There's still time."

Sirius smiled, taking her hand in his. "You're still wearing the ring."

"Never took off," Jenna said proudly.

"So can I assume that you didn't take any lovers in these twelve years?" Sirius said jokingly.

"Lovers? Oh, yes, I've had quite a lot of them," said Jenna, but somehow her sarcasm went unnoticed by Sirius as she saw the color drain from his face. "I'm kidding, you idiot!"

"Oh!" He sighed in relief, making Jenna chuckle, shaking her head at him in disbelief.

"How could you possibly think that I would ever find someone else after you?"

"W-well... everyone has needs..." he said in a small voice and Jenna laughed.

"You're really going to phrase it that way?" she snorted. "Everyone has needs?"

"Just saying," he said defensively, shrugging.

"I swear you're something else, Black." Jenna giggled, leaning forward and pressing her lips against his.

When she pulled away, their faces lingered close to one another as they gazed into each other's eyes. Sirius glanced down at her lips before moving forward once again, this time bringing her into a passionate kiss.

It was going gently at first, but then Sirius suddenly pushed her down on the bed in a quick motion with their lips still connected and hovered above Jenna, kissing her even harder.

His lips then left hers, traveling down her neck and then down her collarbone, making her whimper.

Bu that, Sirius pulled away, smirking down at her handsomely. "Good to know you still get excited over little things."

"Oh, be quiet," said Jenna, rolling her eyes at him teasingly.

"On the contrary, I think it's you who's gonna have to keep it quiet tonight, Kitten," Sirius whispered dangerously in her ear and grinned, leaning down to kiss her once more.

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