Chapter 183

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"Oh, no..." Jenna whispered under her breath with her lips trembling as three masked Death burst into the house.

Jenna and Sirius didn't even have the time to try and make an escape for it, because the Death Eaters didn't waste any second before throwing curses at their direction.

Two of the Death Eaters had darted forward to aim their curses Sirius, while Jenna kept trying to block the other Death Eater's spells, having no chance to attack as the Death Eater's curses were threw at her direction left and right, in jets of green or blue lights.

"Protego!" Jenna yelled, and the spell of the Death Eater backfired, but he dodged and the curse missed him by inches.

    Jenna took the chance and pointed her wand at him, and with a twist of her wand dozens of bats blasted out of her wand, flying toward the Death Eater and attacking him. This was the only hex that there was no way he could block by Protego.

     "Reducto!" The Death Eater tried blasting the bats, but he could only destroy them one by one as they frantically attacked him, blocking his way.

     Taking advantage of his state, Jenna aimed her wand at him carefully, shouting, "Stupefy!"

     The light hit him straight in the chest, throwing him away across the hall and on the ground.

     Jenna turned around briskly to help Sirius, who was trying to defend himself against two barbaric Death Eaters at the same time.

"NO!" Jenna screamed the moment she turned around and saw one of the Death Eaters directing his wand at him, throwing Sirius off his feet and to the ground.

Before Jenna could rush forward to help or even get the chance to react, Sirius weakly raised his arm from where he laid on the floor and pointed his wand at the ceiling, exactly above where one of the Death Eaters stood.

And then, he yelled out, "Confringo!"

In one split second, the ceiling above them exploded. The Death Eaters both looked up in horror as the chandelier fell down and directly crashed upon one of them.

Dust rose from the ground and the house started shaking as pieces of the ceiling started falling down. Jenna managed to make her way toward Sirius in a run and grabbed hold of his arm. The last thing Jenna saw before Disapparating was that the remaining Death Eater took hold of the one Jenna had stunned only seconds ago, and so they vanished from the destroyed hall.

Jenna felt the world spinning to her eyes and when she finally her feet hit the ground, both she and Sirius looked up, finding themselves in front of a familiar looking house; it was the flat they had moved in as teenagers, many years ago.

As quickly as they could, Jenna helped Sirius up to his feet and they both ran into the house, their wands still raised as they looked around cautiously in case of more trouble.

"Homenum Revelio," Jenna whispered with her wand raised. When nothing happened, she said in relief, "No one's here."

Closing the house's door and walking further into the dusty place, the tip of Sirius's wand lightened up when he muttered under his breath, "Lumos."

Jenna followed his act, brightening up the place to a certain amount so they could have a better look around and see where they were stepping.

     No matter in which direction they looked, dust was covering every inch of the place that made Jenna let out an uneasy cuff. There were a few spiderwebs in the corners of the small living room, and there was a funny scent that smelled like rotten wood.

     "Do you think we could stay here?" Sirius asked unsurely.

    "I don't know. Do we have anywhere else to go?" Jenna snapped, a sharp edge to her voice that didn't go unnoticed by Sirius.

     Without any other word, Jenna walked back toward the closed door of the house, casting protective charms and enchantments.

     "Protego horribilis... Protego totalum... Repello Muggletum... Salvio hexia..." she kept murmuring under her breath.

    "I'm sorry for your house — I didn't mean to explode the ceiling —" Sirius started once she was done.

     "I don't care about the damn ceiling, Sirius. That's something that can be fixed by magic," Jenna said as she turned to face him with a glare, still feeling out of breath after the battle. "They could've killed us right there and then. I'm just mad at how easy it was for them to find us."

    "I know... I should've been more careful..." Sirius sighed, running a hand through his hair, obviously furious at himself. He knew it was all his fault. He knew that if anything had happened to either of them, he was the one to blame.

     "Do you think the Death Eater died in there?" Jenna mused, sitting down on the dusty old couch in the living room from exhaustion.

    "I suppose so." Sirius nodded. "The whole ceiling fell down on him. There's no way he has made it out alive from that explosion. Let's just hope it was one of the ones in his inner circle."

    Jenna shook her head in disagreement.

    "They'll be coming after us again..." Jenna shivered at the thought, the shock of the attack still with her. "Back then, they wanted us dead because we were part of the Order. But now... now it's personal. We've killed one of them. If the Death Eater really was in You-Know-Who's inner circle... they'll be coming back for revenge."

    They both sat there in silence, knowing for certain that they soon had to face the consequences. But what they didn't know was that someone else was going to pay the price for what they had done.

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