Chapter 141

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Sirius was grateful that Molly and Arthur had insisted that he should stay at the Burrow for the time being, until his name was officially cleared. Because now that he was a free man, there was no way he would return to Grimmauld Place, unless it was for an Order meeting.

     Jenna decided to stay with Sirius as well, knowing that everyone at Hogwarts was too busy thinking about the recent events to even notice that a cat was missing. Of course, Hermione completely understood.

     Lexi had returned to school after regaining her health. Although Dumbledore — who had returned to Hogwarts and took his post as Headmaster again — advised Lexi not to use magic just yet and wait a few more months, just to be safe.

     Soon, their fifth year came to an end and the children boarded the Hogwarts Express, on their way back to platform 9 3/4. Some of the Order members had agreed to go to King's Cross station to pick them up, and Sirius was among them.

    "You sure you want to go out in public before your name is officially clear?" Jenna asked Sirius, wrapping her arms around his neck and looking into his eyes lovingly.

     They were both standing in the Burrow's living room, waiting for the rest of the Order members to arrive. Meanwhile, Remus was having a conversation with Molly in the kitchen.

    "Of course." Sirius shrugged, grinning handsomely. "You have no idea how much I've been waiting for this moment."

    "I know," Jenna whispered with a smile, going on tiptoes to place a little kiss on his lips.

     "How very touching." Jenna and Sirius jumped apart as Moody growled, limping into the living room. "There's going to be time for this later. We have to leave now. Where is Tonks!? She was supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago!"

     "Here!" The entrance door opened and Tonks rushed inside, panting slightly. "Sorry I'm late."

Her bright bubble-gum-pink hair was gleaming in the dim light, and she was wearing heavily patched jeans and a bright purple T-shirt bearing the legend the weird sisters.

    "It's all right. Don't worry about it," Sirius told her reassuringly. He was still in a good mood even after several days.

     "So... um... where's Remus?" Tonks asked as casually as possible. "I thought he was coming to the station with us."

    "He's in the kitchen," Jenna answered, trying to hold back a knowing smile.

    "Oh... okay." Tonks shrugged.

    "Lupin!" Moody called out angrily, as they all had gathered in the living room.

    "Is everyone here?" Remus asked, walking out of the kitchen and toward where they were standing along with Arthur. Although he came to a halt at Tonks's sight. "Hello."

    "Hi." Tonks gave him a little smile.

     "How are you doing?" Remus asked worriedly. "You're fully healed after the battle, I hope?"

    "Oh, yes." Tonks nodded brightly. "I actually —"

     "Very nice story. How about we hear the rest of it after we've arrived at the station? We're already running ten minutes late!" Moody said grumpily, making his way over the door.

    The rest of them walked outside the Burrow as well, accompanied by Jenna. Although she wasn't going to the station and was staying behind at home. Her name still wasn't fully cleared yet, and so she couldn't go out wherever she wanted.

    She couldn't wait to meet her nephew, but she knew Harry had to go the Dursley's quickly and couldn't stay at the station for too long. Jenna wanted their first meet to be special, and she wanted to have enough time to talk with him, without Moody probably rushing them. She wanted to see him and meet him properly at the right time.

     "Well, this is it..." Jenna whispered to Sirius as he stepped outside, taking in the fresh air of that beautiful summer night.

    "Yeah... after fifteen years... I'm finally free to go out in my human form, without any fear," he said, looking up at the starry sky.

    Jenna didn't reply and remained silent. Though she reached out to hold his hand for a short second, giving it a light and comforting squeeze.

    After sending her a little wink, Sirius took a step away from her and took out his wand out, Disapparating away the next moment along with Moody, Tonks, Remus, Molly, and Arthur.

They soon reached King's Cross Station, though the train hadn't arrived yet. There, they met up with Fred and George, who were there to see Lexi. After leaving Hogwarts, the twins had started their Joke Shop, and by the way they were dressed it was obvious that their business was going well.

     Sirius felt strange, walking around in his human form among all these people, many of whom were probably witches and wizards, there to pick up their children.

    Even though his name wasn't officially cleared yet in the Daily Prophet, the rumors had flown around about him being innocent. Although that didn't stop people from staring at his direction rather fearfully.

    Once the Hogwarts Express came to a stop in platform 9 3/4, the children got off the train one by one and greeted their parents more warmly than ever before. Soon, Harry and the others showed up as well with their trunks, surprised to see so many of the Order members there.

"Ron, Ginny!" called Molly, hurrying forward and hugging her children tightly. "Oh, and Harry dear — how are you?"

"Fine, thanks," said Harry, as she pulled him into a tight embrace.

"Hello, Harry," said Remus, as Molly let go of Harry and turned to greet Hermione and Lexi.

"Hi," said Harry. "I didn't expect all of you to be here."

     "We have a surprise for you," said Tonks with a knowing grin.

     "What?" Ron asked curiously.

     With that, they all moved aside, and there, a few feet over, they saw Sirius, looking around the station cheerfully in his human form.

    "Sirius!" Harry suddenly cried out. Sirius turned around, his grin widening. Harry then ran forward, bringing him into a tight hug.

     After Sirius greeted everyone else, his glance at last fell on Lexi and she gave him a half smile, though her eyes were glimmering with happy tears. But when he came toward her and pulled her into a hug as well, she couldn't help but to let a single tear fall down her cheek.

Sirius smiled, whispering in her ear, "Thank you."

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