Chapter 07

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By those words, Jenna's head shot up and she reached out for her hair, looking down at it. Her eyes widened as she saw that it had turned pure silver.

      She then immediately got to her feet and closed her eyes, focusing hard. This time Sirius let out a happy laugh when her hair turned blue.

      And so, Jenna focused even harder and with that she started feeling the bones in her body slowly shift and she felt like she saw slowly shifting.

       In a matter of seconds, she had fallen on all fours and when she opened her eyes, Jenna saw that the room looked five times larger to her as she looked up around her. When she looked down, she wanted to smile if she could when she saw tiny ginger paws.

       But just then, her attention was suddenly grabbed when she heard a loud bark behind her. Abruptly turning around, she saw a big black dog, growling as it took slow steps toward her.

      And then, with another loud bark, the dog started chasing the cat around the room until he finally caught her and they tripped down.

       By that, they both transformed back to human form and they just laid there on the floor with Sirius hovering up above Jenna, facing each other with grin playing upon their lips.

      "I remember this," she said, referring back to their sixth year at Hogwarts, when the similar thing had happened in the Gryffindor common room.

       "And do you remember what I did next?" Sirius asked in a whisper, his eyes gazing into hers.

      She shyly nodded and with that Sirius's smile widened as he leaned down, bringing her into a kiss.

      Jenna wrapped her arms around Sirius's neck, pulling him down to her to close the remaining space between them as she deepened the kiss, losing herself in the passionate moment. She missed this. She missed having him so close to her, to kiss him like there was no tomorrow.

      After what felt like long minutes, Sirius finally pulled away, leaving them both breathless. But he still laid there on top of Jenna, both of them on the floor as their goofy smiled turned into chuckles once they looked back at one another.

       "So now that I can transform...," Jenna started, grinning, "when are we leaving? What's the plan?"

      Sirius chuckled, standing up and raising a hand for Jenna to take and then helped her up as well.

       "Well, seeing as we can't Apparate without the fear of getting Splinched, I thought that maybe we could walk to Hogwarts," said Sirius as they both sat down on the dusty couch nearby. "We've got a long journey ahead of us, I know... but we've got time before the school term starts. Besides, I think I should change out of your father's clothes and wear my old ones. I don't want to ruin these in the journey."

       "I have another idea," said Jenna, thinking through all the possibilities. "A faster way to Hogwarts, I mean."

       "If you're going to suggest Floo Network, then I'll have to say that we don't have the powder right now and if we wanted to use another wizard's fireplace, we might get caught. And we can't just use it to get into Hogsmeade either. I'm a wanted wizard and everyone thinks you're dead. And if they realized that you aren't dead, the whole Wizarding world will come after you. You'll be just as bad as me."

"Sirius —"

"And we can't use a Portkey either. A Portkey is very easy to be tracked down by the Ministry —"

"Sirius!" Jenna cut him off, laughing. "No, I wasn't going to suggest a Protkey, and definitely not the Floo Network."

      "Then what?"

      "The quickest way to Hogwarts other than those two and Apparating is very simple," said Jenna wittily. "The Hogwarts Express."

      "Jenna, in case you haven't noticed, only one of us here can change their appearance," said Sirius, chuckling. "Besides, who are you going to turn into without becoming suspicious? It's impossible. We can't risk anything that might expose you."

       "No, we wouldn't have to go undercover as humans. We can go as someone's pets."

      "That's not a bad idea, actually," Sirius mused after a short pause. "But dogs aren't allowed at Hogwarts. Only owls, cats, rats, and toads."

       "Then I can go! As Crookshanks!" Jenna said enthusiastically. "I mean, think about it! Cats always chase rats around! No one would become suspicious if I go after Wormtail! It makes perfect sense!"

      "But how are you going to go there as someone's pet?"

       "Diagon Alley," Jenna muttered after a few seconds of thinking. "There's a pet shop there. I'll change my appearance and go in there and I'll use the Imperius Curse on the owner, telling them to sell me only to a Hogwarts student."

       "The Imperius Curse?" Sirius repeated, raising a brow at her.

       "Oh, don't give me that look," said Jenna, rolling her eyes playfully. "It's only illegal if it's used for bad deeds! All I'm gonna do is to tell a pet shop owner to sell a cat to a kid and I'll maybe even make them say that I've been in the shop for a very long time so the kids would have pity on me and buy me quicker."

       "That sounds wrong in so many ways..."

      Jenna laughed, smacking him on the arm jokingly. "Look, the quicker we get this over with, the better. I can do this."

      "I guess you're right..." Sirius finally sighed in defeat. "But before we part ways and I'm headed to Hogwarts and you to Diagon Alley... there's one other place that we could go to first."


      "Privet Drive."

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