Chapter 150

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Miles and miles aways from where Jenna stood at Privet Drive, Tonks and Remus were on their mission for the Order with the beautiful twilight sky above them. They were asked to stay low near a known Death Eater's house, so they could spy on him and then attack whenever the perfect timing arrived.

    "I don't think Travers is home yet," Tonks whispered, glancing up carefully from where they had stayed ambushed in the woods.

     "Well, then this is the perfect opportunity," said Remus, his voice as low as possible. "The moment he arrives, we can attack."

    "I agree, but what if it takes hours for him to arrive? Should we go back to the Order or wait for him?" Tonks questioned.

    "I say let's wait a few more hours," Remus suggested, and Tonks nodded in agreement.

     "All right." Tonks sighed, relaxing slightly more.

     They sat in silence for long minutes and both listened around carefully for any sound that could mean that Travers had arrived.

     "What duty are Jenna and Sirius on tonight?" Tonks asked, finally breaking the silence once again.

     "They'll stay in hiding outside the Malfoy Manor. But they won't be attacking. They just want to make sure if Malfoy's house is still the Death Eater's headquarters like it was in the last war or not," Remus explained.

    "He's still handsome, isn't he, even after  years in Azkaban?" said Tonks in a low mutter, glancing at Remus sideways to see his reaction.

    Remus gritted his teeth together as he looked away from Tonks to avoid her eyes, a bitter feeling of envy suddenly filling him up. He wasn't surprised that even Tonks liked Sirius more than she liked him.

    Before he could stop himself, Remus suddenly said in a cold voice. "He always got the women."

     Tonks's head turned on him sharply at those words, the anger surging from within her. "You'd know perfectly well who I've fallen for, if you weren't too busy feeling sorry for yourself to notice."

    She looked away, breathing heavily through her nostrils furiously. At those words, Remus felt his heartbeat speed up. He turned to look back at her, his mouth going dry as he stared at her direction without blinking.

     He knew perfectly well what she meant by that, but he still had a hard time believing it. It was as though he thought it was impossible for someone as young and beautiful as her to return his feelings. It was hard for him to believe that anyone could ever love a werewolf like him, someone so poor and broken.

     "I — I don't think this is the time to discuss this," Remus mumbled under his breath and looked away, glancing back at the direction of the Death Eater's house.

    "Then when!?" Tonks snapped. "When's the right time, then? I've liked you for ages, Remus, and all you do is avoid talking about it! Well, breaking news: avoiding me isn't going to magically make my feelings for you to go away!"

     "Look, I —" Remus was saying, but he abruptly came to a halt as a loud crash came from nearby.

    Glancing up from where they stayed hidden in the woods, they saw Travers is the distance, who had just Apparated back to his house. Although he wasn't alone. There were five more Death Eaters with him, in their dark masks and black cloaks.

    "We can't take them all alone," Tonks whispered in a barely audible voice, her eyes fixed on the six Death Eaters. "It's three to one."

    Remus pursed his lips together. His heart was still beating rapidly, though only half of the reason was the Death Eaters.

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