Chapter 27

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"Buy him a new broomstick?" Jenna repeated, her smile widening the more she thought of that idea. "That would actually be a great Christmas present!"

"Yes, well, also twelve birthdays and twelve other Christmases that we've missed," Sirius said with a grin. "But yeah, I'm sure he would love that. What's the best broom there is right now? Are the Comet Two Ninety still trendy these days?"

"No. But I suppose the Nimbus 2001 came last year — no, wait!" Her eyes suddenly widened with excitement as she remembered something. "The best one yet is the Firebolt! It's the fastest there is. They have also become the standard brooms for the Quidditch World Cup as well. During the time I was at Diagon Alley in the pet shop, the Firebolt was all that anyone could talk about and from the window of the pet shop I could see Harry go and watch it every day. I could tell he wanted it badly."

"Brilliant!" Sirius exclaimed with glee. "How much is it?"

"Er — about a thousand Galleons, I think."

Sirius's smile dropped.

There was a few moments of silence before Sirius then shook his head, the grin returning back to his face. "I say let's do it. It'll be worth it, if it makes him happy."

"Sirius, you haven't even got five Galleons on you to pay up the bet," Jenna said teasingly. "Look, neither of us can go visit our vaults in Gringotts. I know I'm an shapeshifter and all, but everyone thinks I'm dead, and well, you're on the run from the Ministry. If I go there with our keys and ask to check into either one of our vaults, they will take me into custody all the same to question me, no matter who I look like."

"Then we have to come up with a good plan," Sirius said thoughtfully, looking down with a frown as he pondered the matter in his mind.

"Well," Jenna started with a mischievous grin, "there's always the option of using the Imperius curse."

     Sirius gave her a look.

     "What?" She rolled her eyes at him playfully. "We're taking money out of our own vaults! It doesn't count as stealing and therefore it's not a crime!"

    "We'll come up with another way!" Sirius argued, laughing as he shook his head at her in disbelief.

     "Okay, I've got another idea," Jenna said after a short pause.

     "We're not torturing the Gringotts' goblins either."

     "I wasn't going to suggest that, you idiot!" Jenna laughed, smacking him on the arm.

     "Then what?" He mused.

     "Do you have any other living relatives in the Black family?"

     "I guess so." He nodded thoughtfully, frowning in confusion. "Why?"

    "Well, I was thinking that maybe we can get your key and I'll change my appearance into one of your relatives and go to the bank and ask for a withdrawal," she explained. "I can't do it for my own vault, because everyone knows that the Potters don't have any living relatives left. They even think I'm dead."

      "That's actually a good idea. But the only people I can think about right now are my cousins," Sirius went on. "There's Bellatrix, who's currently rotting in Azkaban with her husband, thankfully. Then there's Narcissa, married to Lucius Malfoy. Their family are really well known in the Wizarding community, so it's not a good idea to turn into he her either. If they suspect you, the can easily call out Lucius."

    "How about your cousin Andromeda?" Jenna suggested.

     "Yeah, I was just going to tell you. She was actually one of the few people I liked in my family. But I don't really know what she's up to these days. The last thing that I knew of her, was that she had gotten herself disowned for marrying a Muggle-born, by the name of Ted Tonks."

     "Well, is there a picture of her somewhere in your old house that I can see, if I want to turn myself into her?" Jenna mused. "I mean, I still have to visit your house for the key to your family vault all the same."

     "No, I don't think you'll find a picture of her anywhere in there," Sirius said earnestly. "Like I said, she was disowned."

      "Where is you family vault's key hidden, anyway?"

     "My old mother kept it in her top drawer in her bedroom, the last I knew of it. But as for Andromeda... I honestly don't know where you can get a picture of her in order to transform to her. But I guess there's an easier way to order the Firebolt for Harry, other than to go to Diagon Alley ourselves."

     "What?" Jenna raised a brow at him.

     "Owl delivery service," Sirius suggested. "You can Apparate to Grimmauld Place and take the Black family vault's key from there and get back to Hogsmeade. Go undercover and give the order of the broomstick to the Owl Office and ask them to get the Firebolt there."

     "Great idea!" Jenna exclaimed in realization. "I can order the Firebolt under Harry's name, so the broomstick will be delivered to him anonymously, but I'll send the Black family's key vault with the owl to Diagon Alley, so they'll take the money out of your vault."

      "Brilliant!" Sirius let out a laughter that sounded mostly like a bark. "Oh, how I wish my dead mother was here to see how I'm almost emptying half of the family vault to buy a single broomstick for my godson."

     "She would go insane." Jenna giggled.

     "She already was insane." Sirius scoffed.

     But then Jenna sighed peacefully, a smile creeping to her face as her mind wandered away. "I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees the Firebolt by his bed on Christmas morning."

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