Chapter 167

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As it turned out, Jenna had been right when she'd thought that Dumbledore had brought Slughorn back to Hogwarts for a reason. After Harry's next lesson with Dumbledore, Harry told Ron and Hermione that the Headmaster wanted him to try and get a memory from Slughorn; one that could help them defeat Voldemort once and for all.

Although Harry had to talk to Ron and Hermione separately, because they still wouldn't bear to be in each other's presence. It was obvious to Harry that Ron was growing tired of Lavender and that Hermione had become frustrated too, but they were both too stubborn to come off it.

Harry found himself alone in the common room that day. It was a free period for the sixth years and while Ron had gone off with Lavender, Hermione had went to the library to study. She had asked Harry if he wanted to join her, but he turned down the offer.

The common room was almost empty, except for a group of seventh years who were studying together in a corner. Harry was sitting on an armchair with his potions book in hand and was reading it eagerly, when he suddenly felt something brush against his leg.

Looking down, he smiled when he saw Crookshanks sitting on the floor in front of him, staring up at him with her large yellow eyes. But then Harry took aback when Crookshanks got up to her paws and started walking away.

When Crookshanks saw that Harry stayed seated on the armchair, looking confused, the cat turned around to look back at him and then meowed, before moving toward the portrait hole.

Finally realizing what she was trying to say, Harry briskly got to his feet and followed the cat toward the entrance of the common room. He then opened the portrait for Crookshanks to go out and left after her.

"Where are you going?" Harry whispered as he followed Crookshanks from a corridor to another, looking around every once in a while to make sure no one was seeing Harry following a ginger cat around like an idiot.

He was even more surprised when she led him out of the castle and toward the Black Lake, where no student could be seen. They went on and on, until they eventually lost sight of the castle. That was when Jenna suddenly leapt forward, transforming into her human form.

"Hey, Dorky," Jenna said with a little grin.

But she was caught off guard when the next moment Harry sprang forward, bringing her into a hug. Chuckling to herself, she hugged him back.

"How's your Apparation lessons going?" Jenna asked after they pulled away.

"Not bad." Harry shrugged, but he looked rather worried. "Are you sure you won't be seen here?"

"Yeah, it's fine. Besides, even if someone sees me here, it's nothing that can't be fixed with a simple Obliviate." Jenna winked at him, making him laugh.

With that, Jenna went forward and sat on the lake's bank, gazing into the peaceful water. Harry hesitantly looked around to make sure no one had followed them here, before sitting next to Jenna beside the lake.

"Why didn't you go to the library with Hermione, by the way?" Jenna mused. "Everything okay between you two?"

"Yeah. I just wasn't in the mood to hear her complain about Won-Won."

Jenna let out a laughter. "I'm sure they'll come around. Both her, and Ron. This fight won't last forever."

"Speaking of whom," Harry started, and Jenna could tell from his firm tone that this conversation wasn't going anywhere good, "does Hermione know about you?"

Jenna pursed her lips together, avoiding his eyes as they were sitting beside each other. "Um... well... technically, yes."

"What?" Harry exclaimed. "How come!? You said you didn't want anyone else to know!"

"Hermione's case was different. She caught me when I transformed once. And I didn't bother to go through the trouble of Obliviating her. I was sure she would've figured out my secret on her own eventually. It was just a matter of time. She even found out about Remus, didn't she?"

"Who else knows?" Harry raised a brow at her curiously.

"Other than you and Hermione, the members of the Order of the Phoenix know. And I assume Lexi knows it, too."

Harry nodded, but he said nothing in response as he looked back at the lake. The rays of sunlight had reflected on the water, creating what looked like glimmering pearls on the surface. The silence around them was hauntingly beautiful, as if the world had forgotten that there was a war going on.

"I used to come here a lot with your mum, you know," Jenna said after a long pause, breaking the silence.

"You did?" Harry looked back at her while Jenna's hazel eyes remained on the lake as she smiled to herself.

"All the time." Jenna nodded. "Me, your mum, and our two other friends; Alice and Marlene. Some days when the weather was good, we would come out here and study together."

There was a short pause, before Harry finally said in a small voice, "What — what was she like? My mum."

Jenna thought for a few seconds. "She was the kindest person in the whole world. So sweet, so caring. She could get a little bossy at time, but it was because she cared too much for all of us. She was like the mother of our group." Jenna chuckled at the memories.

"How about Dad?" Harry questioned, holding onto each of her words with everything he had in him.

"Who, James?" She scoffed. "Oh, he was a dick, all right."

Harry's eyes widened in shock at those words.

"What?" Jenna grinned. "Were you expecting me to say he was an angel or something?"

"N-no." Harry shook his head lightly. "I just — wasn't expecting you to be that blunt. I mean... how did you and my mum end up with... him and Sirius?"

Jenna laughed. "Your father and Sirius were the biggest idiots who had ever walked this earth. But... they both grew out of it. I mean, Sirius still acts like a sixteen-year-old sometimes. But your dad... James had really turned from the most troublesome boy in Hogwarts history into the most loving person and the most adorable father in the world."

Harry smiled at that.

"They loved you more than you can ever imagine, Harry," Jenna whispered, smiling sadly.

Harry could sense the sorrow in her voice, as though her old wounds were resurfacing with each word that she spoke. So he tried to change the subject quickly in order to distract her.

"You said you were the Quidditch captain," Harry started. "What spot did you play?"

"I was a Seeker. Like you." Jenna smiled. "But I got on the team in my second year. James was the Chaser and Sirius got the Beater spot; they both got into the Gryffindor team in third year. They were so pissed when they heard I became the Captain." They both laughed.

Although Jenna then let out a little sigh, saying, "I really miss Quidditch. I haven't played in around eighteen years..."

Harry suddenly smiled. "I have an idea."

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