Chapter 189

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The next few weeks passed in a haze. The fifth month of pregnancy wasn't harder, but Jenna could feel the baby growing heavier inside of her, the kicking starting to become more noticeable and slightly stronger. But Jenna was glad to have Sirius beside her throughout every minute of every day.

     That night, Jenna had changed into her most comfortable and baggy pajamas and got ready for bed, even though it was still pretty early. Jenna was brushing her teeth in their shared bedroom's bathroom, looking at her reflection in the mirror.

She had gotten considerably chubbier, because her appetite increased with each passing day. She took that as a good sign, happy to know that the baby was healthy, even though she was kept awake most nights because of all the kicking.

     "How are you feeling?" Sirius asked once Jenna stepped back into the bedroom. He had already changed his trousers into his silk pajamas, though he was still shirtless, his old tattoos visible on his chest.

     "I'm feeling great, actually," Jenna said earnestly, giving him a grin as she made her way toward him.

      "I'm glad." Sirius smiled. He then bent down on his knees, placing a little kiss on her baby bump through her shirt, making Jenna giggle.

      Just as he was about to stand up, they both turned around briskly when a bright silver light passed through the closed window of the room. Sirius immediately took his wand off the nightstand and stood in front of Jenna protectively. But it turned out to be just a Patronus which they didn't recognize.

     The Patronus then opened its mouth as it floated in mid-air, saying, "Harry is at Hogwarts, and the Death Eaters will be arriving soon. We need all the help that we can get. There's a passageway in Hog's Head."

     Once the words were said and done, the Patronus vanished into think air. Jenna and Sirius remained frozen on the spot, their eyes wide in shock and horror as the news sunk in.

     "Stay here," Sirius told Jenna firmly before quickly changing his clothes.

      He then left the room to get his coat which he had left in the living room. But the moment he stepped outside the bedroom, Jenna wasted no time in changing out of her pajamas and getting ready with shaky hands and trembling legs.

     He reached out for her wand, not even bothering to wear a traveling cloak as she left the bedroom as well, stepping into the living room.

     At her sight, Sirius came to halt, gaping at her with a frown. "Where do you think you're going?"

     "Hogwarts," Jenna answered curtly, trying to make her way toward the entrance door.

     Sirius sprang forward, catching her wrist in his grasp and preventing her from moving.

     "You're staying here," he said through greeted teeth.

      "That's not your decision to make —"

      "Yes, it is!" he snapped. "Because clearly you're not in the right mind to be making decisions!"

      "Harry's in danger, Sirius! Let go of me!" she snarled, but when he didn't remove his hand from her, Jenna used her free hand to push him away from him, using all her strength.

     Once she was free, Sirius tried to stop her again, but Jenna was blinded by anger, frustration, and the fear of losing Harry. So she ran out of the door, Disapparating before Sirius could do anything.

     "Damn it, Jenna," he growled under his breath before Disapparating after her.

      The moment Jenna's feet hit the ground, she found herself standing in front of the Hog's Head. Pushing the door of the old pub open, she was faced with Aberforth.

     "Potter —" he wanted to greet her, but stopped when he noticed her baby bump. "You shouldn't be here."

     "My nephew is in danger. This is exactly where I should be right now," she said sternly. "Where's the passageway to Hogwarts?"

      Aberforth hesitated for a moment longer, holding Jenna's gaze. But at last, he pointed at a portrait of a young girl in the room. Understanding what he meant, Jenna quickly walked toward the portrait and opened it, seeing a dark and long passageway through the hole.

     "Lumos," she muttered, the tip of her wand lighting up to brighten her way.

      "Jenna, wait!" She heard Sirius voice behind her as he entered the pub, and so without turning to look behind her, she hurried through the passageway, hearing his footsteps following after her.

      "I said you're going back, Jenna!" he shouted at her as they reached the end of the tunnel, after long minutes of walking. "End of discussion!"

      It was at that moment when they entered a large room they didn't recognize at Hogwarts, full of students and other members of the Order who had arrived there before them, including all of the Weasleys.

     "Discussion?" Jenna repeated with a mocking scoff. "There was no discussion to begin with! I decided to come, and that was the end of it!"

     "Jenna, I swear to God, if you don't return back home right now, I'll —"

     "You'll what, Sirius!?" Jenna snapped back at him loudly, causing everyone left in the room to fall silent.

     "I won't hesitate to Imperio you, if that's what it takes to get you back!" Sirius shouted.

     And then, in the blink of an eye, they both drew out their wands and pointed them at each other almost at the same time that it was hard to tell who had done it first.

      Jenna looked at him fiercely, whispering in a hoarse tone, "I would certainly like to see you try."

      "Jenna," Sirius started this time more gently, yet his wand was still pointed at her, "if anything happens to you or that baby —"

      "And what about you, Sirius!? What about Harry!?" Jenna cut him off loudly. "How can I live on if something happens to you, knowing that I did nothing to stop it!?"

      Sirius fell silent. So Jenna went on, her gaze turning cold.

       "I won't leave the people I love when they need me the most, Sirius. Unlike you."

      He lowered his wand, his face draining of all color. Suddenly, the memories the night at Godric's Hallow, sixteen years ago, flashed before his eyes. Sirius remembered how he had told Jenna that he had to leave, even though she had just lost her brother and best friend.

He could remember the way she cried and begged him not to leave her, but he had done it all the same. She was pregnant back then too. The thought still haunted his nightmares to this day.

      "I've been forced to leave Harry once," said Jenna, catching his attention again as she finally lowered her wand, "I'm not doing it again."

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