Chapter 164

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Harry stared ahead at the woman who was now sitting on the bed beside Sirius, where a moment ago Crookshanks laid. His mind couldn't grasp on what had just happened, because it was the last thing he had expected.

    "You — you were — you're Crookshanks," Harry spoke with wide eyes and a terrified tone. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. "You — you've been an Animagus!"

    "Not exactly," said Sirius, glancing sideway at the woman who had failed to speak. She was too busy looking back into Harry's eyes, as though she had found someone whom she had lost long ago. As though he was the cure to all the open wounds in her heart.

    Harry looked from Sirius to the woman, who had shockingly beautiful blue hair, falling behind her back in waves. She looked oddly familiar to him. Harry was sure he had seen her before somewhere, but he couldn't put a finger on it.

     But all he could think about at the moment was that the woman before him was Crookshanks. Maybe he was just imagining thing. His eyes could've just duped him. And what did Sirius mean when he said she wasn't exactly and Animagus?

     "Who are you?" Harry asked the woman in a hollow voice, unable to even blink or to look away from her.

     Sirius looked at the woman again, giving her another encouraging look, seeing as the woman had yet again failed to form the words and speak.

    At last, the woman took a deep breath, before saying, "I'm Jenna."

     Sirius cleared his throat.

    The woman with blue hair hesitated at first, but the she spoke the words that completely caught Harry by surprise.

    "My name Jenna Potter. I'm... I'm your aunt."

     Harry looked back at Sirius, as if to make sure this was all real and not just a meaningless prank. He searched his god father's face for any sign that could mean this was all just a joke, but he had never seen Sirius look so stern and sincere before, with a hint of nervousness.

    Before Harry could stop himself, he had let out an unsure laughter. "No. That's not possible." But despite the words that escaped his lips, Harry's heart had started throbbing inside his chest.

    "It's true, Harry," Sirius spoke gently, holding the woman's hand in his, as though trying to silently comfort him. "I know this is hard to believe. I know it's going to be even harder to understand. But that wouldn't make it any less true. James had a sister. A twin sister. It's a long story... but I want you to hear it out."

    Harry remained silent. This couldn't be real. It just couldn't. He would've known. Someone would've told him. He shook his head slowly in disbelief, taking a step back.

    "I knew this was a bad idea," Jenna muttered with a frown, briskly getting to her feet. But Sirius was quick to grab her wrist, stopping her.

     "Just talk to him," Sirius whispered to her, even though she was avoiding his eyes. Sirius then turned to face Harry. "Please, Harry. Why don't you take a seat?"

     Harry hesitated at first, but he trusted Sirius more than anyone in his life. So as Sirius stood up and gestured him to take his place at the edge of the bed, Harry walked forward, sitting furthest away from the woman as possible.

    "Okay," said Sirius, glancing between the two of them, "I'll just give you two some time alone to talk."

    Jenna turned her head sharply on him, as if pleading him with her eyes to stay and not leave her alone, but there was no use. Sirius had already turned around and left the room, closing the door behind them.

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