Chapter 181

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Mature content ahead, but I tried not to give too many details. Please skip this chapter if such content makes you uncomfortable.


Whether Kreacher was able to find Mundugus or not, Jenna never found out. After that night at Grimmauld Place, Jenna and Sirius returned back home. They were planning on assisting Harry with searching for the Horcrux, but something happened that changed it all.

It was only a few days after visiting the kids at Grimmauld Place. Sirius was reading the Daily Prophet over breakfast, but Jenna suddenly heard him curse loudly.

"What is it?" Jenna asked briskly when she saw the horrified look on his face.

"It's — it's Harry," Sirius said in a shaky voice, the shock obvious upon his complexion. "He's been seen at the Ministry."

Jenna felt her whole body freeze at those words, as though someone had emptied a bucket of ice on top of her.

"Was he caught?" she asked briskly the moment she snapped out of her paralyzed state.

"No. He got away," said Sirius, though there was an anxious look in his eyes.

     Later that day, Jenna and Sirius went back to Grimmauld Place, but found the place empty. They were gone.


Throughout the next long weeks that passed, Jenna seemed to have fallen the way she had been last week; sick and pale with worry. November had at long last arrived, but they still had no idea where Harry and his friends were, or wether they were dead or alive.

"A part of me wishes they'd never told me what they were up to," Jenna muttered as she and Sirius were sitting in the quiet of the living room. "To know that they're after parts of You-Know-Who's souls..." Jenna shut her eyes close, as though she couldn't bear to finish the rest of her sentence.

She always kept the radio on, from morning to night. She switched through the channels for any news on Harry, because Daily Prophet was no longer trustable. She always listened to the list of victims, hoping that she wouldn't hear a familiar name.

That night was no different; both Jenna and Sirius were already in bed. Sirius turned off the lights to sleep, but Jenna kept the radio on because she wanted to wait for the list of names to come to an end.

"Could you please turn that off?" said Sirius, a sharp edge to his tone.

"In a minute," Jenna muttered, her eyes on the radio which was placed on her nightstand.

"Jenna, I'm starting to get sick of that thing," Sirius finally snapped, sitting up on the bed. "I've tried not to say anything for weeks! What do you expect to hear!?"

"I'm not waiting for good news, Sirius," she said, feeling a lump in her throat. "I'm just hoping not to hear the name of someone we know."

"Even if we do hear it, there's not much we can do locked up in here, is there?" Sirius said blankly, and Jenna gaped at him in disbelief.

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