Chapter 166

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Sirius couldn't remember the last time he had seen Jenna this happy, to the point that she couldn't wipe her smile off her face even when she tried.

    Once a day they would go back to the Burrow, and Jenna would sneak in as Crookshanks without being seen, only to visit Harry. Although at nights the two would return back to the Potter Manor for some privacy, seeing as the Weasleys' house was too crowded.

     It was the night before the kids had to return back to Hogwarts, now that their Christmas break had almost come to an end. There was an Order meeting held at Grimmauld Place, but Jenna and Sirius were running a little late.

     Twenty minutes into the meeting, the door to Grimmauld Place's kitchen finally opened, where the meeting was being held. When everyone looked over, they saw Jenna and Sirius enter, both their hair messy and goofy grins on their lips.

    "Sorry we're late," said Jenna, though by the looks on their faces it was obvious that neither of them were sorry in the slightest.

    The Weasley twins had recently joined the Order officially, and they had only attended the meetings four or five times before; but in none of those times had they seen the woman with blue hair.

    "Who's that?" Fred whispered to George as the couple took their seats at the other end of the long table.

    "Dunno," George whispered back, grinning, "but she's hot."

    Fred gave him a look.

    "What?" George shrugged, still smirking. "I'm not allowed to like women who are slightly older than me?"

     "Maybe. But you're definitely not allowed to like Sirius's girlfriend!" Fred hissed in a hushed tone so only George would hear him, as the meeting carried on.

     "Why not?" George said mischievously. "They've probably met recently. Besides, Sirius doesn't strike me as the type to be in a long-term relationship. They're just shagging, by the looks of it. She could change her mind."

    Fred shook his head at his brother in disappointment, but he couldn't help but to grin. He couldn't wait for George to make a complete fool of himself.

     Once the meeting came to an end, Jenna got to her feet along with Sirius so they could return back home. Harry and his friends were going to get to Hogwarts by the Floo Network connected to McGonagall's office, because it was safer that way. Therefore Jenna had decided to Apparate to Hogsmeade the next morning instead of taking the train for long hours.

Before Jenna could leave the kitchen after Sirius, she came to a stop when one of the Weasley twins stepped in front of her, a smug grin on his lips.

"Hey," he started, raising his hand for her to shake, "I'm George Weasley —"

"Oh, I know," said Jenna, smirking. She decided to have some fun, now that the chance had come to her himself. "I've actually known you for a few years, George Weasley."

George blinked a few times in confusion. He glanced sideways at his brother, who looked just as confused as him. Everyone in the Order already knew that Jenna was at Hogwarts undercover as Crookshanks. Everyone, except for the Weasley twins who were new to the Order. Which made the perfect opportunity for Jenna to joke around a bit and have some fun.

"You — you know us?" George questioned.

"Of course." Jenna shrugged, her hazel eyes glimmering mischievously. "Who do you think pulled the dungbomb prank on you a few years ago?"

Quite frankly, no one had ever seen Fred and George look so confused and taken aback. They were at loss for words, neither of them knowing what was going on and who on earth this woman was.

"Jenna?" Sirius, who had realized she hadn't followed him upstairs, peered into the kitchen to see what was holding her back. "Let's go."

"I'll be up in a minute," said Jenna and Sirius nodded, going back upstairs.

With that, Jenna turned to face the twins with the same grin. "Well, it was a pleasure to officially meet you two." She then glanced back at George, saying, "You had some great dance moves at the Yule Ball, by the way."

The look of shock on their faces before was nothing compared to their expression now. It took her everything not to burst out in laughter.

"Goodbye, boys." And so, with one last wink at their direction, Jenna left them frozen on the spot and walked upstairs.


On their last night together, neither Sirius nor Jenna had the gut to say goodbye to the other. Because each time that they had to be separated, it was harder than the last time. So instead they stayed awake the whole night in each other's arms, until Jenna finally had to leave and get to Hogwarts.

    Jenna waited in the common room in her cat form, laying beside the warm fireplace as she purred. But her attention was then caught when the door to the common room opened and Hermione entered, along with Lexi.

"Oh, hello!" Hermione said excitedly as Crookshanks gave a meow and hurried toward her. She chuckled, getting down on her knees to pat the ginger cat on the head. "I really missed you."

"Missed her?" Lexi repeated curiously. "Hadn't she been home with you for the holidays?"

"Oh, I meant I missed her since I arrived here. It was a few hours ago," Hermione said casually, yet avoided her eyes as she stood up.

Lexi gave her a curious look, but decided not to say anything and go up to the dorm to unpack her trunk. It was just then that the common room's door opened once more, this time Harry walking inside along with Ron and Ginny, who had to go and meet up with Dean.

"Great," Harry said to Ron and Hermione, unrolling a parchment he had in hand, which had the schedule for his next lesson with Dumbledore for the following night. He still hadn't sighted Crookshanks. "I've got loads to tell him — and you. Let's sit down —"

But at that moment there was a loud squeal of "Won-Won!" and Lavender Brown came hurtling out of nowhere and flung herself into Ron's arms. Several onlookers sniggered.

Hermione rolled her eyes as she and Harry went over to the spare table in the common room. It was just then that Harry saw Crookshanks, a smile coming to his face. Although thinking that Hermione didn't know about Jenna's secret, he tried to suppress his grin.

"So how was your Christmas?" he asked.

"Oh, fine," she shrugged. "Nothing special. How was it at Won-Won's?"

"I'll tell you in a minute," said Harry. "Look, Hermione, can't you — ?"

"No, I can't," she said flatly. "So don't even ask."

"I thought maybe, you know, over Christmas —"

But just then, Crookshanks let out a little sneeze.

Without thinking, Hermione and Harry both said at the same time, "Bless you."

Finally coming to their senses, their heads snapped up and they stared at each other in silent, as if not sure what had just happened.

"Do you know something?" Harry questioned quickly, eyeing her for any sign of recognition.

"Do you know something?" Hermione asked curiously, glancing between Harry and Crookshanks.

"I might know something." Harry shrugged awkwardly and Hermione pursed her lips together.

But when Crookshanks let out a meow as she looked between them in amusement, Harry and Hermione tried to change the subject, and Harry started talking with her about Malfoy's suspicious acts. Although both of them had a feeling that the other knew all about Jenna Potter.

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