Chapter 168

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After Harry asked Jenna to follow him, she turned herself into the sixteen-year-old version of herself, though turned her hair back to her own brown color. This way, she wouldn't catch anybody's attention, even though almost all the students were in their classes at the moment.

Jenna didn't really have to ask Harry where he was taking her, seeing as she knew the castle grounds like the back of her hand. But even though she had guessed where he was taking her in the first place, she still became surprised when they reached the Quidditch pitch.

Jenna felt a shiver of excitement run through her body as they stepped onto the empty field. She looked around her, all her old memories flooding back to her mind; even those which she had forgotten over the years. It all came rushing back to her.

   Jenna didn't know how long she had been standing there dazed, lost in her thoughts and resurfaced memories. But she finally came to herself and snapped back to reality when she saw Harry walking out of the changing rooms with two school brooms, holding one with each hand.

"Thought you would like to go for a ride," Harry said with a little goofy smile, handing Jenna one of the brooms.

   Hesitantly, Jenna took the broom from his hand, observing it with a heartwarming smile. But then her attention was caught when Harry dug into his jacket's pocket, taking out a Golden Snitch.

   The sight reminded Jenna of her brother, and how he would always sneak off the Snitch after practices. Just to be cool, he would let it fly away before launching forward to catch it again. And then he would ruffle up his jet-black hair, make it ever messier than before. It made him look like he had just gotten off his broom.

   Harry then smirked lightly, still holding the Snitch in his hand as he looked back at Jenna. "Wanna see who can catch it first?"

Jenna raised a brow at him. "Is that a challenge, Potter?"

"Might be." Harry shrugged, still smiling, but Jenna could see the look of mischief in his green eyes. "I mean, I would understand if you don't want to. It's been eighteen years, after all —"

"Are you calling me old? Oh, please." Jenna scoffed. "I would still win even if you were riding your Firebolt."

Harry grinned. "That won't be necessary, Aunt Jenna."

At those words, Jenna felt her heart leap in her chest. This was the first time he had called her that. It felt strange. It was overwhelming too, but in all the good ways possible.

   Despite the happy tingles she was feeling in her stomach, Jenna tried to put on a smug face as she smirked arrogantly, saying, "You're on."

   With that, the two of them mounted their brooms. Harry let go of the golden Snitch as he and Jenna hovered above the ground, only one feet up. They let the Snitch fly up a bit higher.

"On the count of three," said Jenna with a smirk, both their eyes on the Snitch as it flew further and further away from them. "One... two... three!"

Not a second later, they both shot to the sky. Jenna felt a rush of excitement through all her body as the wind tousled her brown hair, her grin never fading away as she raced Harry toward the Snitch.

    They flew side by side, trying to get to the Snitch quicker. Jenna leaned over on her broom, causing it to shoot forward faster. She had forgotten how much she loved flying.

    Having transformed into her sixteen-year-old version, Jenna weighted less now and was lighter on the broom, causing it to flow onward easier. But Harry had more practice than her. He advanced, catching up with her again.

     Jenna felt her nose starting to freeze in the cold winter air as she flew on with full speed, her eyes fixed on the golden ball. They were getting closer to it. They both outstretched their hands, trying to gain more speed.

    Jenna knew there was no use to go on like this, so an idea popped into her head. Her grin widening, she took the broom's handle with both hands, and then in a quick movement, she started circling around Harry in mid-air. It was one of her old techniques as a captain back in the days.

Suddenly getting distracted and afraid that he would crash into Jenna, Harry lost control of his broom and cried out as he fell down, landing on the ground painfully.

    Jenna sped forward, outstretched her arm, and at last, she caught the Snitch.

    "YES!" she cried out in triumph, but then caught sight of Harry who was laying on his back on the ground, struggling to get up.

    She got worried at first, but when she flew down and landed near him, Jenna let out a sigh of relief when she saw that he was all right.

     But then, Jenna grinned when she suddenly remembered something. So taking the opportunity, she lowered herself and sat down on Harry's chest the next moment, preventing him from getting up.

"The great and mighty Harry Potter!" Jenna said loudly and dramatically.

Harry groaned.

"The chosen one!"

He tried to get up, but he couldn't, no matter how hard he tried.

"His powers know no limits!"

Harry wanted to laugh and push her off, but he was simply too weak at the moment.

"He bravely steps onto the Quidditch pitch," said Jenna, gesturing her hands around as if in a dramatic play. "The crowd erupts at his glorious manner, chanting his name!"

   Harry fluttered his eyes open, looking up at her with pleading eyes, but Jenna wasn't done yet,

  "He mounts his broom and takes off! The wind tousles his black hair! And then," Jenna's grin widened, finally looking down at him, "he gets beaten up by his old aunt who hadn't flied for nearly two decades."

     Grinning to herself at his helpless sight, Jenna got off and then leaned down, whispering softly, "You okay?"

     "I think so," Harry mumbled weakly, but then he chuckled as Jenna held out her hand and helped him up.

He couldn't remember the last time he'd had this much fun spending time with someone.

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