Chapter 178

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After long minutes of sitting at the Burrow's living room in silence, Molly finally came back downstairs. She still seemed to be in shock after the unexpected attacks at the Ministry.

    "Lexi's still unconscious, but she's fine," Molly said in a small voice, joining the others in the living room.

     "Then I'll be taking her home," said Fred, getting up to his feet.

     "Your flat isn't safe enough," Sirius protested quickly.

     "At this rate, nowhere is safe," said Fred, before turning to face his twin brother. "C'mon, George."

Without hesitation, George followed Fred upstairs to get Lexi back to their home, where she had moved in weeks before.

     Sirius wanted to argue, but Jenna grabbed his hand in hers, giving him a look. "Lexi will be safe with them. They'll take care of each other," she whispered to him.

     "They're children! They can't even take care of themselves, let alone others!"

     "They're the same age as we were back in the first war," Jenna said softly, and Sirius huffed in defeat, pulling his hand out of her reach gently.

     "Well, we didn't know what we were doing back then," Sirius mumbled.

     "Honestly... I don't think we know what we're doing now either. We've just grown older." Jenna gave him a sad smile, and deep down he knew she was right.

     None of them knew what was going to happen next, or what they were supposed to do.


Jenna and Sirius soon returned back to the Potter Manor. Despite the many protective enchantments that were already around the house's boundaries, they made sure to add many more charms that night. But they knew they could never be completely safe anywhere, after what had happened at the Burrow only a few hours ago.

     Sirius and Jenna both changed into more comfortable clothes and got into bed, but neither of them could sleep that night. They had no idea where Harry was, or whether he was safe or not.

     With each day that passed from that night on, Jenna was beginning to grow weaker and thinner, having completely lost her appetite due to stress and lack of sleep. Even her hair had remained brown.

     Sirius was no better, if not worse. The Order was finished. They had all gone to hiding, hoping that no Death Eater would come for them. But they knew it was only a matter of time that they came looking for them.

     There was a rumor going around that saying Voldemort's name had become taboo; meaning that if you spoke his name, all the enchantments around your house would be broken and the Death Eaters would find exactly where you are. He'd probably done this to find Order members and hunt them down, because they were the only ones brave enough to speak his name.

     The new Minister had wasted to time to make a criminal of Harry. His face was on the front page of the Daily Prophet and on every wanted poster, hung on each and every wall.

     Jenna was partly glad that there was no news of Harry and that no one had seen him, because she knew if he were dead or caught, the news would spread in a matter of hours. So she tried to stay positive, telling herself that he was still in hiding. That if she had no news of him, neither did the Death Eaters.

     "Why don't you eat something, Jenny?" Sirius said as they were sitting in the dining room for dinner. But as always, Jenna had stopped eating in the first minute.

    "I'm full," Jenna mumbled, pushing her bowl of soup back.

     "How could you be full already? You haven't eaten properly for days!"

     "Well, I'm not hungry."

     "Just finish your soup, okay?" Sirius asked, pushing the bowl further toward her on the table. "Please?"

     With a tired sigh, Jenna reached out for her spoon again, but right at that moment, Jenna and Sirius both jumped to their feet when a silver light appeared inside the dining room.

     They relaxed at first when they realized it was just a Patronus, but Jenna became worried again, thinking that it was the bearer of bad news.

     The silver wolf then opened his mouth and spoke in Remus's familiar voice, "Come to Tonks's parents' house. There's something you should know."

      After those short few words, the Patronus vanished from the dining room, though Sirius and Jenna remained frozen on their spot, their wands still clutched in their hands.

     "What do you think has happened?" Jenna asked with a worried frown, her eyes fixed on the place the Patronus had been moments ago.

    "No idea..." Sirius let out a breath. "Let's go and see what's going on."


After getting ready as quick as they could and wearing their traveling cloaks, the two of them Disapparated from the Potter Manor, reaching Tonks's family home.

    With their wands in hand and checking left and right to make sure no one else was around, they knocked at the door and waited.

     "Who is it?" A hoarse voice asked from behind the door.

      "Sirius Black and Jenna Potter, also known as Padfoot and Crookshanks. Members of the Order of the Phoenix, both in first and second war," said Sirius.

     There was a long pause, until the door finally opened, revealing Ted Tonks. "Come in," he said, gesturing them inside with his head.

     "Thanks." Jenna gave him a little smile as he led them through the house. Jenna had never met the man before, but she could tell that there was exhaustion and fear in his eyes.

     When they reached the living room, they saw Tonks and Remus there, and another older woman whom Jenna assumed was Andromeda.

     "Is everything fine?" Sirius asked without greeting as he looked between them, anxious for an answer.

    "Yeah..." said Tonks. "More than fine, actually."

    "Well? What is it?" Sirius asked impatiently.

     Remus smiled. "Tonks is pregnant."

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