Chapter 188

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It was the midst of March, and Jenna was glad that her morning sickness stage had passed, and so she didn't have to wake up everyday to throw up, with Sirius holding back her hair as she sat down beside the toilet.

But the worst wasn't over yet, because now she was having odd food cravings every day, her mood swings had started to get worse, and strangely all she could think about was ripping Sirius clothes off and doing unholy things.

This was apparently a natural part of every woman's pregnancy during this time that she had recently found out about. But at least that was something Sirius was glad to help with.

  He had in fact been an amazing help so far, always there for her and providing anything she needed. He'd been so gentle with her lately that it was kind of funny to her. He kept insisting that she shouldn't do any work even though she was capable of doing everything herself.

  He even wanted to cook himself, but each time Jenna said, "Sure, if you want to kill us all." But she was so grateful of him either way.

After weeks, Jenna started to feel more uncomfortable than ever, because the baby had also started kicking. She felt little twitches in her stomach in the middle of the night, waking her up.

Despite Sirius's attempts to keep her cheerful for every second of every day, Jenna still found herself worried for Harry, wondering where he and his friends were right now.

But the astonishing news got to them that Harry, Ron, and Hermione had appeared at Shell Cottage — the house in which Bill and Fleur were staying. They were using it as a safe house for the Order.

Although they hadn't gotten there alone. They were accompanied by the strangest compilation of people; Ollivander, Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas, a goblin named Griphook, and a house elf who unfortunately had been injured and passed away soon after their arrival.

Jenna and Sirius both soon went to visit them at Shell Cottage, and Jenna burst into tears the moment she saw Harry and Hermione. They were happy beyond belief to learn that she was pregnant. Hermione even started crying out of happiness, congratulating the two.

Although Sirius soon had to take Jenna back home, insisting that she should rest more. Jenna hated being departed with Harry again, and Sirius felt the same way, knowing that the three had to soon continue their journey.

The gloomy atmosphere in their flat, however, did not last much longer. It was in April that they received a Patronus from Remus, saying that Tonks had the baby and that they'd named him Teddy. He even said that the Weasleys were going to visit the newborn that day, and invited Sirius and Jenna over as well.

Jenna rushed up to get ready, but she came to a sudden halt, holding her stomach with a grimace of pain on her face.

"You okay, Jenny?" Sirius asked her worriedly, rushing toward her to make sure she was feeling all right.

  "I-I'm fine." Jenna tried taking in a deep breath, but she had started to feel nauseous again and had heartburn, which was still natural to happen in this stage of pregnancy.

"You should rest," Sirius said softly, trying to guide her back to bed, but she shook her head stubbornly.

"I want to see them."

"You're obviously feeling bad. You can't Apparate like this."

Jenna sighed. She wanted to argue, but she felt too tired that she didn't even have enough strength to protest any further, and that was certainly a first.

"Then you go," she said. "And bring back a picture, will you?"

"I can't leave you like thi—"

"Sirius, I'll be fine," she said earnestly. "Just... tell them I really wanted to be there."

  Sirius considered it for a few seconds, before giving one single nod. "All right. Stay safe." He then placed a kiss on her cheek before turning around to leave.

"If you come back without a picture of Mini Moony, I'll beat you up!" She called after him jokingly, making him laugh.


Once Sirius arrived at their house, it was Andromeda who answered the door. After greeting his cousins and congratulating her upon becoming a grandmother, she showed him to Tonks's room.

"Sorry I'm late," said Sirius as he entered the room, seeing all the Weasleys gathered around Tonks's bed, along with Lexi. He saw that George was holding the baby in hand. Or maybe it Fred. He couldn't really tell them apart.

"Sirius!" Remus said happily as he walked into the room, his eyes on the newborn boy.

  "You finally became a dad!" Sirius said cheerfully, clapping a hand behind Remus, making Tonks laugh. "Oh, and congratulations to you too, Tonks."

"Yes, thanks," she said, grinning.

"I'm sorry Jenna couldn't make it," said Sirius, his eyes still on the baby as George was holding him. "She's feeling sick. I have to go back to her quickly, but I had to come here as soon as I heard."

"It's okay, we understand," said Remus reassuringly, smiling at him. "How's Jenna?"

"Cranky," Sirius answered with a shudder. "She couldn't come herself, but said she would beat me up if I didn't bring her pictures of Mini Moony, as she called him."

Remus chuckled, going toward the nightstand and giving Sirius a picture of Teddy which was in the drawer. "Here. I was planning on keeping it. But I feel like Jenna will be mad if she doesn't get this earlier."

"True." Sirius grinned, taking the picture and pocketing it.

Just then, Teddy suddenly started crying. "Oh, crap! I think I angered it!" said George, looking panicked. "What do I do!?"

"Here, let me," said Tonks, raising her hands and taking a hold of Teddy. The moment he was back in his mother's arms, he became quiet and gradually fell asleep.

Sirius smiled to himself as he watched the baby. He couldn't wait to become a father.

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