Chapter 63

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That night when Jenna returned to the girl's dormitory in her cat form, the rest of the girls had already returned to their dorm. As it seemed, Dumbledore had already announced the news about the Triwizard Tournament to them, because this was all they seemed able to talk about.

Although Jenna did notice that something was different in the dormitory than it had been last year; a fifth four-poster bed had been added. She assumed that the new girl had probably been sorted into Gryffindor, though she was nowhere to be found at the moment.

Throughout the next few weeks, it was an understatement to say that Jenna was bored out of her mind. Without having Remus or Sirius around this year, she was finding it harder and harder to stick around all day long in her cat form.

In the mornings whenever the others were in class, Jenna would go to the kitchen to visit Mickey. As he told her, the new house elf, Dobby, was a weird one among the other elves, because he wanted to be free and to be paid. Jenna wanted to explain to Mickey that it was all right to do so, but she thought against it, knowing how sensitive house elves got each time being freed was even remotely mentioned.

Sometimes at nights, Jenna would go down toward the Black Lake to take stroll in her cat form, because it was the best way to sneak away from Filch without being noticed. Although Mrs. Norris was going on her nerves as the old cat sometimes kept following Jenna around suspiciously.

Her only amusement other than napping in the common room was to listen on the students' conversations. But even that had gotten boring to her, seeing as all that everyone seemed able to talk about was the upcoming Tournament.

As it seemed, two other magical schools were soon going to join them for three dangerous tasks; Durmstrang Institute, and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, each school being represented by one Champion, which left three champions in general.

Jenna thought it was good that they had changed the rules so only students older than seventeen could join, seeing as it was supposed to be extremely dangerous.

Although she couldn't deny that if this tournament had taken place in their time, she and James and Sirius would for sure have tried to join in, not matter what.

      That day, Hermione was at the library as always, meanwhile Harry and Ron were sitting in the common room, doing their Divination homework. They were supposed to keep a Dream Journal, in which they had to write their dreams and their meanings.

Although Ron and Harry were getting very creative with their dreams.

Ron, sweeping the jumble of scrawled notes off the table, dipping his pen into some ink, and starting to write.

"Next Monday," he said as he scribbled, "I am likely to develop a cough, owing to the unlucky conjunction of Mars and Jupiter." He looked up at Harry. "You know her — just put in loads of misery, she'll lap it up."

"Right," said Harry, crumpling up his first attempt and lobbing it over the heads of a group of chattering first years into the fire. "Okay... on Monday, I will be indanger of — er — burns."

"Yeah, you will be," said Ron darkly, "we're seeing Hagrid's skrewts again on Monday. Okay, Tuesday, I'll... erm..."

"Lose a treasured possession," said Harry, who was flicking through Unfogging the Future for ideas.

"Good one," said Ron, copying it down.

They continued to make up predictions, which grew steadily more tragic, for another hour, while the common room around them slowly emptied as people went up to bed.

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