Chapter 88

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At those words, everyone seemed to become more confused, having no idea what Dumbledore was talking about, and how a Muggle girl could possibly help them with the upcoming war.

"Hold on," Jenna suddenly said, looking at Dumbledore as she frowned, "Lexi Hooper? You mean the Gryffindor girl?"

"Indeed." Dumbledore nodded in response.

"She's not a Muggle," said Jenna, shaking her head. "She can see Hogwarts, can't she? Muggles can't see it, and they certainly can't get sorted into the Houses either. But that girl was in the same dormitory as I was."

"The reason behind the fact that Lexi Hooper can see Hogwarts is unknown, but what I do know is that there's no visible magic in her blood," Dumbledore explained.

  "Then how can she help us?" Remus questioned.

"Because this girl has powerful knowledge about the future events," said Dumbledore.

"You mean she's a Seer?" Kingsley mused.

"Not quite." Dumbledore shook his head. "From the same day she stepped into Hogwarts, I could see through her mind and her memories, and therefore I know what awaits us all. And I want you to trust me when I ask you not to pressure her into changing anything unnecessary, or to ask her for more information. I'll see to that myself, if I see it necessary. Because one wrong move, and it might change the outcomes for the worse."

Nobody responded to the man and kept their many curious questions to themselves.

Dumbledore then turned to face Molly and Arthut, saying, "And how is Lexi fitting in your home?"

"Quite well," said Molly with a smile. "She's a lovely girl... though a lot like my twin boys, I must say."

"Good," said Dumbledore, before looking back at the others. "I would like to add one last thing, before I speak with each one you about the missions that I have for you. This may be the most important matter that I discuss with you tonight."

The whole room had fallen silent at this point, all eyes on Dumbledore as they listened to each of his words carefully.

"In the last war, many believed that the reason Voldemort decided to go after Lily and James Potter was because they had refused to join his side," said Dumbledore.

At those words, Jenna felt a sharp pain through her heart. She wished that Sirius was sitting beside her, so he would hold her hand comfortingly, just like how he always did whenever Lily and James were mentioned.

"But Voldemort was there, not for them, but for Harry," Dumbledore went on. "There was a prophecy, made around fourteen years ago, stating that a boy born at the end of July would be the one to defeat Voldemort."

Mundugus flinched each time at the mention of the Dark Lord's name. For a second, Tonks's hair suddenly went silver.

"Although, Voldemort did not get to hear the entire prophecy, and only a short part of it," Dumbledore explained. "He would want to get his hands on the prophecy, which is at the Department of Mysteries in the Ministry this very moment. Our job is to protect that prophecy at all costs, preventing Voldemort from getting it."

"And you want us to stand guard at the Ministry for it, I assume?" Kingsley questioned.

"Precisely." Dumbledore nodded.


Once the meeting was over after an hour or two, and Dumbledore had explained everyone's duties to them, the Order members left the Headquarters one by one.

Although near the end, Dumbledore asked those who were in touch with Harry to keep the Order's business hidden from him for the time being. He didn't want anything else on the boy's mind at the moment, after all the horrible things that had happened to him last year.

Now only Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were left at Grimmauld Place, along with Sirius, Jenna, and Remus. Molly had offered to make dinner for them all, so they retrieved downstairs and went to the kitchen, sitting at the table after helping to set the plates, waiting for the dinner to get ready.

"There you go," said Molly, trying to sound cheerful as she placed the dish of food before them on the kitchen table.

"Thank you, Molly," said Remus kindly, smiling at her. "This looks amazing."

"Oh, it's nothing." Molly shook a hand at him, though she seemed thoroughly pleased at the compliment.

"You seemed very quiet throughout the meeting, Sirius," said Arthur, filling up his plate. "Everything all right?"

"Yes, of course." Sirius nodded, though there was no hint of earnestness in his voice, which was a noticeable fact.

Jenna ignored him and even avoided looking at his direction. If he wants to act this way, then be it, she thought to herself, holding back the urge to roll her eyes.

"Sirius, do you think it would be all right if I brought the kids to Grimmauld Place?" Molly asked him. "Arthur will be mostly at the Ministry, now that he takes night shifts on guarding the Prophecy. And I'll have to come here often for the meetings, so I don't want the kids to be left alone for too long."

"Yes, of course you can," said Sirius. "I'd be happy to have more people around this dull house."

"But don't worry, I'll make sure they help around with the cleaning of the house," Molly said with a smile.

"They wouldn't be enjoying themselves too much while here, then," said Arthur jokingly, chuckling.

"Oh, but if they're anything like Jenna here, I'm sure they would enjoy their stay here just fine," said Sirius bitterly, his cold grey eyes fixed down on the kitchen table.

Jenna turned to face him, staring at him blankly. For some reason, she could sense that his words weren't said jokingly, and were said to mock her instead.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jenna raised a brow at him, putting down her fork.

"Well, you did seem to be enjoying spending time with Podmore," said Sirius with the same tone of mockery, finally looking back at her.

"I would've loved to spend time with you instead, if you hadn't been ignoring me for the past few days!" Jenna argued.

"Er... it's a delicious dinner, Molly, dear," said Arthur awkwardly, trying to change the subject. "What did you use as the spice, again?"

But before Molly could speak, Jenna went on angrily, saying, "You won't even talk to me about it! What do you expect me to do, Sirius!?"

  "If you were going to talk to me about it, you would've done so last year!" he snapped back.

"What on earth are you talking about!?"

"The kiss, Jenna!" Sirius shouted. "Remus told me that you two kissed!"

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