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Y/N wakes up as he sees Ellie looking down at him.

Ellie: Oh, thank god.

Ellie hugs Y/N.

Y/N: You okay?

Ellie: I should be asking that you idiot.

Y/N: (smiles) I'm okay. Where are we?

Ellie: In the sewer. There's a ladder on the other side.

Y/N: Okay. Let's get going.

Y/N stands up on his feet.

Ellie: Should you even be standing?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry.

Ellie: I always worry.

Y/N: Remember that time when we looked at the stars thinking about if the outbreak never happened?

Ellie: Yeah.

Y/N: I told you that if we never met in that life I would've came and found you.

Ellie: Yeah.

Y/N: I'll always find you. Whether I'm here or not. I always will.

Ellie pecks Y/N on the lips.

Y/N: (smiles) Let's get going.

Ellie: Okay.

Y/N and Ellie walk to the other side and they climb up the ladder. Y/N lifts the gate up and he slides it to the side. Y/N and Ellie climb out and they look around.

Y/N: Let's see where we're at.

Y/N and Ellie walk up the stairs and they see a map.

Ellie: So, we're here. And the hospital is here. We're not that far from it.

Y/N: We'll cut through the park.

Ellie: Okay.

Y/N and Ellie walked into the park as it was filled with tall grass and trees. Y/N walks and he suddenly gets shot in the shoulder by an arrow and he falls to the ground.

Ellie: Y/N!

Y/N pulls the arrow out and he grabs Ellie and they hide in the tall grass.

Y/N: Shh...

Y/N kept hearing whistles from the people that shot him. Y/N rips his arm sleeve and he quickly wraps it around his wound and tightens it to keep the pressure on it. Y/N covers himself with mud and he draws his bow.

Ellie: What are you doing?

Y/N: We can take them out silently. But we have stay quiet. Use the tall grass as cover. Use your knife or bow only.

Ellie: Okay.

Y/N crawls through the tall grass as Ellie went the other way to cover more ground. Y/N hides next to a tree as he blended in with the darkness. The man walks by and Y/N quickly grabs him and slits his throat. Y/N moves silently as he looked to his right to see a man hanging.

Y/N: Damn... these people are sick.

Y/N sees a woman walking towards him but she couldn't see him. Y/N draws his bow back and he shoots and the arrow pierces the woman's head and she drops to the ground. Y/N quietly walks and he grabs the arrow. Y/N leans against the tree and he sees Ellie standing next to the car. Y/N puts his bow away and he walks towards her.

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