Hell City Pt.2

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Y/N and Ellie look down after Joel fell with the elevator.

Y/N: Joel!

Ellie: Joel!

Joel: I'm alright! Are you two okay?

Ellie: No! You scared the shit out of us!

Y/N: We're gonna climb down there!

Joel: No! Stay up there! I'll make my way up to you!

Ellie: Don't do anything stupid!

Joel swims away.

Y/N: Let's go.

Ellie: But, Joel said to stay here.

Y/N: It's better if we can at least get to the lower floor and meet him there. Besides, there could be more hunters coming after hearing that.

Ellie: All right.

Y/N and Ellie walk to the hallway. Y/N sees two hunters down the hallway. Y/N pulls out his bow as the two hunters separated. Y/N shoots the hunter in the head. Y/N quickly runs and he stabs the hunter in the neck before he turned around.

Y/N: Ellie, let's go.

Y/N and Ellie run down the stairs. Y/N turns the corner and he gets behind cover as there were two more. Ellie hides behind Y/N. Y/N shoots the two hunters with his bow.

Ellie: How many are there in this building.

Y/N: Probably a lot. But we don't want to wait and find out.

Y/N and Ellie continue to walk down the stairs but they didn't hear any hunters. They continue to walk down the stairs until Y/N hears some yelling. Ellie runs ahead and Y/N chases after her. They see a hunter choking Joel in the water. Ellie runs and grabs the pistol and shoots the hunet in the head. Joel pops his head to catch his breath.

Ellie: Man... I shot the hell outta that guy, huh?

Joel: Yeah, you sure did.

Ellie: I feel sick.

Joel: Why didn't you two just hang back like I told you to?

Y/N: Well, be glad we didn't.

Joel: I'm glad I didn't get my head blown off by a goddamn kid.

Ellie: You know what? No. How about, hey Ellie, I know it wasn't easy, but it was either him or me, thanks for saving my ass. You gor anything like that for me Joel?

Joel: We gotta get going.

Ellie: Lead the way.

Y/N's (thoughts): I feel like I'm taking care of two kids for some reason...

Y/N, Ellie, and Joel climb up the ladder. They then walk down the hallway and down the stairs.

Joel: We need to get back out and find that bridge.

Ellie: Just tell me where to go.

Y/N, Ellie, and Joel continue to walk down the hallway as they enter in a room that looked like a ball room.

Joel: That door looks like the way out. Hey, you guys see a way up there?

Y/N: What about this piano? We can push it against the wall to get up there.

Joel: Good thinking.

Y/N and Joel push the pianoto the wall. Y/N, Ellie, and Joel climb to the second floor and they walk through the door. They walk into a room as there was a door and they walked outside.

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