Getting A Car

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Y/N and Ellie were sitting on the couch. While Joel and Bill were searching the place.

Ellie: So, where was your fortress?

Y/N: In the middle of the woods.

Ellie: So you basically lived in the woods?

Y/N: Yeah. That's why I said it was peaceful.

Joel: Let's go.

Y/N and Ellie follow Joel and Bill in the garage.

Joel: Gimme a hand with this.

Joel and Bill open the garage door. Y/N, Ellie, and Bill crawl under as Joel follows. They hide behind the car go to see tons of infected.

Bill: What'd I tell ya. There's that truck, sticking outta the school right there. There's a bunch of 'em up there. So try not to make a sound.

Y/N: Leave that to me.

Y/N draws his bow and he shoots the the infected that was next to the bus right in the head. One of the infected was walking behind the bus as Y/N shoots that one in the head.

Y/N moves up silently as there was an infected walking around at the front of the house. Y/N shoots that one on the head. Bill was impressed to see how good Y/N was but Ellie was in awe.

Y/N saw two infected walking together. Y/N shoots one and he quickly grabs his arrow and he shoots the other in the head. Y/N sees three more. Y/N grabs a brick and throws it at the tree.

The three infected heard the noise. Y/N quickly popped out and killed the infected with three arrows to the head. Y/N hears one more as he looks to his left and he sees it. Y/N kills the last infected.

Joel: That is some crazy quick draw you got there.

Bill: I'm impressed.

Ellie: Damn, that was awesome.

Y/N: Thanks.

Bill: Well, that was easier than I thought it'd be. They must be holed up somewhere else.

Joel: Well, let's not test ourluck. How do we get inside?

Ellie: Somone left a ladder on the bus. Here, get me up there and I'll drop it to you.

Joel gives Ellie a boost. Ellie climbs up.

Bill: Don't get killed up there.

Ellie: Thanks, Bill.

She drops the ladder down on the side of the bus and they climb to the top.

Bill: We're okay. We just need to get to the hood of the truck.

They drop down to the ground. Y/N turns around as he saw many infected running right at them.

Bill: Alright, we're gonna get in quick. We're gonna get the battery. We are gonna get the hell outta here.

Ellie: Oh fuck. They're piling on this fence over here. It's not gonna hold!

Bill: The doors locked!

Y/N: Find another way in! Hurry!

Bill runs to the back and so does Joel. Y/N and Ellie run to as Bill opens the window. Y/N and Ellie quickly enter inside. Joel was about to get in but a clicker punces on him as Bill blows its brains away and he pulls Joel inside. Ellie closes the door.

Ellie: That's not gonna hold.

Joel: Bill, make it fast!

The infected were banging on the door. Y/N and Joel slide the shelf and the block the door.

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