Dead Or Alive

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Y/N heard knocking at the door. He carefully gets out of bed without waking Ellie. Y/N goes and opens the door to see it was Joel.

Y/N: Joel?

Joel: It seems that you two have made up.

Y/N: Oh, uh... yeah.

Joel: I can tell because you're...

Y/N: Oh, shit.

Y/N closes the door and he gets dressed. Y/N pecks Ellie on the forehead and he walks out.

Y/N: What's up?

Joel: Maria, wants you, me, and Tommy to go out an patrol at the north.

Y/N: This early?

Joel: Yeah. Apparently, there's been signs of infected.

Y/N: Okay. Let's go.

Y/N and Joel walk to the stables to meet with Tommy.

Tommy: Boy, you look tired, Y/N.

Joel: Him and Ellie got back together.

Tommy: Oh, damn...

Y/N: *sighs* Can we just leave.

Tommy: *chuckles* Let's go.

Y/N, Joel, and Tommy get on their horses and they ride out.

{3 Hours Later}

Ellie wakes up to hearing someone knock on her door.

Ellie: Oh, shit.

Ellie puts on her clothes and she quickly opens the door.

Ellie: Hey.

Jesse: Morning!

Ellie: Sorry, I totally overslept. Just give me a minute, and I'll get dressed.

Jesse: I heard you had quite a night.

Ellie: Oh, shit. Were we too loud?

Jesse: Dina told me.

Ellie: Oh my god... this is awkward.

Jesse: Hurry up. Get dressed.

Ellie closes the door and she goes to her chair and grabs her jacket. She then puts her things in her backpack. She walks back to the door and she grabs her knife from the table.

Ellie: Hey, is Joel up?

Jesse: We got reports of infected out north. Maria sent him, Y/N, and Tommy out early to scout.

Ellie: That sucks.

Jesse: Yep. Can't imagine they got much sleep. Definitely not as much as you.

Ellie: Shut up. I was just about to get up.

Jesse: Mm-hmm.

Ellie: I was.

Jesse: You got everything?

Ellie: Yes.

Ellie and Jesse walk.

Jesse: So, when did you and Y/N get back together?

Ellie: Last night.

Jesse: Damn. Did he make the move?

Ellie: I did.

Jesse: Let me guess Dina told you to just talk to him?

Ellie: Yeah...

Jesse: Nothing wrong with that. He told me about how much missed you and all that.

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