Hell City

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Y/N was driving but Ellie was asleep. They to the city but there were cars that blocked the way.

Y/N: Joel, what should we do?

Ellie: *yawns* Now what?

Joel: Screw it. Take the right.

Y/N drives to the right. As Y/N was driving he drives past the flipped over bus and suddenly a man comes out running. Y/N steps on the brakes.

Ellie: Easy.

Man 1: Please... Help.

Ellie: Holy shit... Are we going to help him?

Joel: Put your seatbelt on, Ellie.

Man 1: Help me...

Ellie puts her seatbelt on.

Ellie: What about the guy?

Y/N & Joel: He ain't even hurt.

Y/N steps on the gas as the man pulls out his gun. Y/N runs him over as he continues to drive past all of these bandits. Ellie looks to her right to see a bus coming right at them.

Ellie: Oh, not good!

The bus hits the car.

Y/N: Hold on!

Y/N drives the car into a store and they stop.

Ellie: I'm okay. I'm okay.

Joel: Then get out quick.

Ellie and Y/N take off their seat belts.

Bandit 1: C'mere!

He grabs Ellie.

Ellie: Let go of me you chickenshit!

Y/N gets grabbed out of the car but he uses the back of his head to headbutt the bandit. The bandit lets Y/N go and he stabs the bandit in the neck. Y/N looks to see the other bandit still holding Ellie. Y/N runs and stabs him on the back and he lets Ellie. The bandit falls and Y/N slits the bandit's throat.

Y/N: You okay?

Ellie: I'm good.

Joel: Catch your breath. We're leaving.

Ellie: Watch out!

The bandit shoots a bullet at the window. Y/N, Ellie, and Joel quickly get behind cover. Y/N slightly peeks his head over to see five bandits in total. One walks into the store as Y/N shoots him right in the chest with his pistol.

Joel peeks out and he snipes one in the head with his rifle. Y/N goes around and quickly runs and jumps through the window. Y/N hides next to the wall as he saw the three last bandits.

Y/N draws his bow and shoots one in the neck. The other bandit stands up and gets sniped by Joel. Y/N rushes at the bandit as he was only holding a wooden stick. The bandit swings his stick but misses as Y/N got behind him and slit his throat.

Y/N: We're clear!

Joel: You two alright?

Ellie: Yeah, I'm good.

Joel: Y/N, come help me with this.

Y/N and Joel lift the door up as Ellie crawls under.

Joel: See if you can get it propped open with somethin'.

Ellie: Um... There's some pretty gnarly stuff in here.

Joel: Ellie!

Ellie: Right.

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