All For A Med-kit

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Y/N, Ellie, and Joel entered inside a store after it was snowing outside. Ellie goes and tries to look for something to patch Joel up. But she couldn't find anything so she used her shirt to cover Joel's wound. Y/N looks in his med-kit but he didn't have anything left. Ellie tapes the shirt onto Joel.

Ellie: That should buy us some time.

Y/N: I'll go find something to stitch him up.

Ellie: I'll come too.

Y/N: No, you stay here, and keep an eye on Joel.

Ellie: No! I'm going because I don't want to lose you.

Y/N: *sighs* Okay.

Y/N and Ellie open the gate and they walk out and they close it. Ellie locks the gate.

Y/N: Let's go.

Ellie: Lead the way.

Y/N and Ellie walk up the escalators. They then continue to walk past the other stores. Y/N then saw the pharmacy as the gate was slightly open.

Y/N: We can check in there, see if they have anything.

Ellie: Okay.

Y/N and Ellie entered inside the pharmacy. Y/N goes to open the door but it was locked.

Y/N: It's locked.

Ellie looks through the window.

Ellie: There's a first aid kit in there. How the fuck do we get inside.

Y/N opens the desk and he finds a note and reads it.

Y/N: Shit. The person's body with the key is in the store next door.

Ellie: Let's go get it.

Y/N: Stay here, just in case. I'll go get it. Don't worry, I'll be quick.

Ellie: Okay.

Y/N crawls back out and he heads to store next to him as he puts in the lock combination. Y/N takes off the lock and opens the gate.

Y/N: Shit, spores.

Y/N puts his gas mask on and he crawls inside. Y/N turns his flashlight on and he takes small movements but he didn't hear anything. Y/N goes to the back of the room as he sees the body. Y/N then grabs the key out of his pocket. Y/N crawls back out but he sees a clicker walking around outside. Y/N quietly crawls out and he stabs the clicker in the head killing it instantly. Y/N crawls back into the pharmacy and he sees Ellie sitting on the desk.

Ellie: You okay?

Y/N: There was a clicker but I killed it.

Ellie: Did you get the key?

Y/N: Yeah.

Y/N unlocks the door and he opens it.

Ellie: Yes.

Ellie runs in and opens the first aid kit but there was nothing in it.

Ellie: No...

Y/N: Of course, it's fucking empty.

Ellie: Look, a military helicopter. That's gotta have something.

Y/N: Let's go.

Y/N and Ellie jump through the window. They then walk into a store and they crawly through the debris. Y/N and Ellie saw a dead body. Y/N sees a med-kit.

Y/N: No sutures, but at least we got bandages.

Ellie: Well, that's something.

Y/N and Ellie walk out the store and they walk down the stairs and they jump over the railing.

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