Great Start

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Y/N, Ellie, and Jesse arrive at the theater. Ellie knocks on it three times.

Ellie: Dina!

Dina opens the door and she sees Jesse.

Dina: Babe...?

Jesse: Hey.

Y/N, Ellie, and Jesse walk inside. Y/N closes the door and he barricades it with the chair. Y/N and Ellie leave Dina and Jesse alone.

Ellie: Y/N, here.

Y/N looks as Ellie hands him a picture of himself with Ellie, Joel, Tommy, and Maria.

Y/N: So, that's Joel and Tommy. Who's the girl?

Ellie: Tommy's wife, Maria. She's Claire's older sister.

Y/N: I see.

Ellie: She treats you like a little brother.

Y/N: (smiles) She'll probably be mad that I left huh?

Ellie: Totally.

Y/N continues to look at the photo as he remembered meeting Joel and a woman at a camp. Y/N shakes his head and he puts the picture in his bag.

Ellie: Shit, you're bleeding.

Y/N looks at his arm to see it was a bullet wound.

Y/N: It's fine. It just grazed me.

Ellie: Come on.

Y/N and Ellie walk upstairs to the employee room. Ellie takes out stitches and she starts stitching Y/N's wound.

Y/N: So, about Jesse.

Ellie: What about him?

Y/N: Did I know him too?

Ellie: You guys are like best friends. You two are like one of the best scavengers in the whole town.

Y/N: Oh.

Y/N looks at the map to see photos placed the at each part on the map.

Y/N: Hey, look. Dina pinpointed the targets.

Ellie looks at the map and she looks to see they were placed on the map.

Ellie: Hey, this one is nearby.

Ellie points at the hospital. Y/N grabs his bag and Ellie turns around and looks at him.

Ellie: What are you doing?

Y/N: Going after her.

Ellie: Right now? But we just got back.

Y/N: I'm not going to wait. She could be gone by the time we wait here.

Ellie: Y/N, you need to rest.

Y/N: No. I'm not resting. Not when we're so close.

Ellie: *sighs* Fine. Let's go.

Y/N: You're coming too?

Ellie: Uh, yeah. I'm not letting you go out there alone.

Y/N: Okay.

Y/N and Ellie walk downstairs.

Dina: Where are you two going?

Y/N: We're going to the hospital. They're cooped up there.

Dina: But what about Jesse. He could help.

Y/N: He's too injured and tired. It's better if he rests.

Ellie: We'll be fine.

Dina: *sighs* Okay.

Y/N removes the chair from the door and he sets it on the ground. Y/N and Ellie walk out and Dina closes the door.

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