Alone Together

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A year has passed as both Y/N and Ellie were both fifteen. Y/N was with Joel in the lodge. Joel was playing the guitar as Y/N kept looking out the window.

Joel: Something bothering you?

Y/N: No... It's nothing...

Joel: I can tell when something is bothering you.

Y/N: It's just... Ellie.

Joel: You like her, don't you?

Y/N: Huh? N-No...

Joel: Please, I was in your shoes once. I can tell that you like her.

Y/N: Maria, said the same thing. Is it that obvious?

Joel: Not really. You're pretty good at hiding it around Ellie but when you're either with me, Tommy, or Maria you act like how you're acting now.

Y/N: *sighs* It's kind of stressing me out.

Joel: I mean, she's been avoiding me.

Y/N: Do you think she's onto us?

Joel: I don't know. If she is then... it ain't gonna be pretty.

Y/N: Yeah...

Ellie and Tommy walk through the door.

Joel: That was y'all shootin' out there, right?

Tommy: Oh, just some stragglers. Ellie got to try out my scope.

Y/N: Wait, you let her try it but not me?

Ellie: I guess I'm just more special.

Y/N: *chuckles* Okay.

Joel: How'd you like it?

Ellie: Yeah. It feels good.

Joel: I see you've, uh... you haven't gotten around to changing the strings yet.

Ellie: I didn't know I was supposed to.

Joel: Yeah, you uh... We'll get you some new ones.

Tommy grabs the guitar.

Tommy: There's that music store down there. I bet they got guitar stuff. I mean, that area's long overdue for a sweep anyway.

Joel smirks Y/N and he notices it.

Joel: Y/N, why don't you and Ellie go together.

Y/N looks at Ellie.

Y/N: Um, yeah, okay. Let's go, Ellie.

Ellie: Y-Yeah.

Y/N and Ellie walk out. Joel joins with Tommy.

Tommy: It's about damn time for him to confess.

Joel: Yep.

Y/N and Ellie get on their horses and they ride down the hill.

Y/N: So, uh... how have things been going for you?

Ellie: Pretty good. I might go on paired patrols.

Y/N: That's good. Jesse told me you were doing pretty good on group patrols. But I feel like you should start off with the shorter routes first.

Ellie: Aw... Are you worried about me?

Y/N: I always worry about you.

Ellie's face blushes and she smiles.

Y/N: So, how's the tattoo?

Ellie: Cat, if fucking amazing. Are you planning to get one?

Y/N: I might. But I'm still deciding.

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