Aquarium Pt. 2

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Y/N, Ellie, and Jesse were inside the building.

Jesse: So, what's the plan? We take these guys out and steal their boat?

Y/N: How many were in that boat?

Jesse: Three.

Y/N: We'll take them out and take the boat.

Y/N, Ellie, and Jesse drop down into a room they climb over the counter. Y/N lifts the pipe that was covering the hole. Ellie and Jesse went through as Jesse grabs the pipe holding it for Y/N. Y/N goes through and Jesse drops it.

Jesse: Damn that was heavy.

Ellie: Well, let's swim.

Y/N, Ellie, and Jesse jumped into the water. They then swam as they followed where the water was coming from. They then see three soldiers walking around in the area due to their boat engine not working.

Jesse climbs up the rope first, then it was Ellie, then Y/N. They climbed up to the second floor as Y/N looked back at the boat.

Jesse: Y/N, Ellie, we can get to the marina through here.

Y/N: What? No, we're taking the boat.

Jesse: You heard them right? They're talking Joel and Tommy.

Y/N: We don't know that. By the time we get there they'll probably be gone.

Jesse: What if they're in trouble?

Y/N: *sighs* Then we'll split up. You and Ellie will go to the marina and look for Joel and Tommy.

Ellie: What? No, I'm not leaving you.

Y/N: Ellie, listen to me. I have the best chance of getting to Abby. Now, listen after I'm finished with her, I'll come find you, okay?

Ellie nodded. Y/N gives her his necklace.

Y/N: Take care of her.

Jesse: You better come back.

Y/N nods and he jumps into the water as Ellie and Jesse left for the marina. Y/N swims back up as he heard the boat engine turn back on. The boat drives away but Y/N follows it by swimming underwater. The boat stopped and Y/N stopped.

Y/N swims up and he swims next to the boat as he looks around to stay out of sight. Y/N climbs into the boat and he starts it.

Soldier 1: The boat!

Y/N drives the boat into the water current. He continues to ride it down as he looks behind to not see anyone following him. Y/N drives the boat into the parking lot as he continued to follow the water.

Once he did there was a gate in front of him. Y/N gets out and he pulls the chain down as the gate starts opening. Once it fully opened Y/N drives the boat out and he follows the trail of the water. It suddenly started raining a lot so Y/N puts on his hood. Suddenly there was a whistle and another boat drove in. Y/N quickly stops and he lays in his boat.

Y/N peeks his head out to see Scars killing the Wolves. Y/N sees the trail of where he needed to go. The Scars were too focused on the Wolves.

Y/N: *sighs* Fuck it.

Y/N drives the boat as an arrow flies past him. Y/N drives the boat under the building and he drives past the bullets that were being shot at him. Y/N turns the corner quickly and he drives under the parking lot and he escapes to the other side.

Y/N drives through a fully glassed window and he was inside a building which looked like a gaming center. Y/N gets out of the boat and he looks up to see a pipe blocking the chains. Y/N walks upstairs as he saw a door at the end of the hallway. Y/N then sees a broken glass at the top of the door. Y/N runs up the wall and he grabs onto the ledge and drops down onto the other side.

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