Ellie's Birthday

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Y/N, Ellie, and Joel went camping. Joel had a surprise for Ellie. Joel told Y/N the surprise and he agreed to it. Y/N was with Joel as she was playing the guitar.

Joel: That's starting to sound like something.

Ellie: Ugh, I suck.

Joel: Nah... Just need to build up your calluses, that's all.

Ellie: Yeah.

Joel: All right, c'mon.

Ellie: This it?

Joel: Yeah.

Ellie: Oh, shit!

Ellie sets the guitar down as Y/N, Ellie, and Joel walk.

Ellie: I'm gonna start guessing.

Y/N: You want us to spoil your surprise right now?

Ellie: I don't know... Is it... a dinosaur?

Joel: Stop trying to guess. We ain't telling you.

Ellie: Ugh... All right. Is it... and elephant?

Y/N: No.

Ellie: Is it a convertible?

Y/N: No.

Ellie: Is it a puppy?

Y/N: Yes.

Ellie: Really?

Y/N: No.

Ellie: You dick. Is it a lotta kittens?

Joel: You mean a litter?

Ellie: What's a litter?

Joel: A bunch of kittens.

Ellie: Why wouldn't you call it just a bunch of kittens?

Joel: I don't know why... It's called a litter.

Ellie: That's so dumb.

Joel: It's not a litter of kittens.

Ellie: Okay, okay. Hot air balloon.

Joel: More walkin', less talkin'.

Ellie: Y/N, what's the surprise?

Y/N: I don't know.

Ellie: Oh, come on. Don't be like that.

Y/N: I can't disrespect the boss's wish.

Joel moves the branches.

Joel: Mind your step.

Ellie: I got it.

Joel: Oops.

Joel pushes Ellie into the water and she swims back up to the surface to see Y/N and Joel laughing. Y/N and Joel high five each other.

Ellie: What is wrong with you?

Joel: You should see your face right now.

Ellie: What if I drowned?

Y/N: Well, we did teach you how to swim.

Y/N and Joel keep laughing.

Ellie: Yeah, keep laughing, you two. See what happens.

Joel: It's this way.

Ellie: You guys are the worst!

Y/N and Joel walk as they see Ellie swimming.

Y/N: You're getting better though.

Joel: Remember, don't just flail about, you gotta--

Ellie: "Push the water with your whole arm." Blah blah blah.

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