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Y/N falls asleep on the couch after what he did. Y/N wakes up an hour later and he looks out the window to see three hunters outside. Ellie comes running upstairs.

Ellie: They're here.

Y/N: I'm going to lead them away from here.

Ellie: What? No.

Y/N: I'll come back. I promise.

Ellie: Okay...

Y/N and Ellie hug. Y/N goes out to the garage and he opens the garage door. Callus walks out of the garage and Y/N closes it quietly. Y/N gets on Callus.

Y/N: Let's go, boy.

Y/N rides and the hunters spot him.

Hunter 1: He's over there!

Y/N: If you want me come and get me!

Y/N rides as one jumps onto Callus. Y/N stabs the hunter in the neck and Y/N continues to ride. The hunters would shoot at Y/N but they kept missing every shot. Y/N draws his bow and he shoots the hunter to his right. Y/N continues to ride until he saw a sniper. The sniper shoots Callus and Y/N falls off. Y/N and Callus roll off the side and Y/N lands hard on the ground. Y/N slowly gets up as he holds his arm. Y/N then looks at Callus. Y/N goes up to Callus and places his hand on Callus's face.

Y/N: I'm sorry...

Y/N gets up and runs into the cabin by going through the window. Y/N sits and he holds his arm as it was in pain.

Y/N: *sighs* It's not broken. Probably tore something.

Y/N heads to the living room and sees multiple hunters walking around the area.

Y/N: Damn, I'm in no condition to fight.

Y/N jumps through the window and he hides behind the boat. Y/N grabs a brick and he throws it towards the other boat. The hunter and then goes to check what the noise was. Y/N sneaks by and he quickly runs and hides behind the shed. Y/N sees two more hunters as he grabs an empty bottle and he throws it at the rock. The two hunters went to go check the noise. Y/N quickly runs up the stairs and he walks on the bridge but it was broken. Y/N hugs the wall as he walks along the plank.

Y/N makes it to the other side and he drops down to the ground. Y/N sees a pipe and crawls through the pipe. Y/N goes through and he sees a lodge. Y/N drops down and he sees three hunters coming around the corner.

Y/N: Shit...

Y/N runs and quickly hides behind the crates. The hunters walk by Y/N as he quietly sneaks by. Suddenly three more appear.

Y/N: How many are there?

Y/N hides behind the crates as the hunters walk by. Y/N runs to the side of the cabin and he sees hole on the top. Y/N runs up the wall and grabs onto the ledge. Y/N climbs through the hole. Y/N sees the front door and he quickly runs to it. Y/N forces the door to open as someone grabs him from behind and puts Y/N in a choke hold. Y/N grabs his knife but the person grabbed his arm.

David: Relax... Keeping you alive here.

Y/N's eyes started closing and he dropped his knife to the ground.

David: There you go.

{Time Skip}

Y/N wakes up as he sees human parts being cut off. Y/N was shocked to see what was happening. James looks at Y/N and he walks out.

Y/N: They're eating humans.

Y/N gets up and he tries to open the door but it was locked.

David: How are you feeling?

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