Confronting Nora

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Y/N opens the door as two of the Wolves walk by outside. Y/N and Ellie auietly go through the window and they go through the grass. One man walks out of the tent and he walks towards the back. Y/N quickly chases after him and he grabs the man by the neck and he chokes him out. Y/N hides the body in the grass so it wouldn't be found.

Ellie sees a dog and she throws a brick towards the other side. The woman follows the dog after they both heard the noise. Y/N and Ellie quickly go towards the window and they climb through. A man walks right by them. Y/N grabs him and chokes him until he stopped moving. Ellie ran up to the wall and another walks into the room and saw Y/N. But Ellie quickly grabs him and chokes him out until he stopped moving.

Y/N and Ellie quietly walk down the hallway. Y/N and Ellie go into the room to their left and they sneak by. Y/N sees the door that led to the stairs. The next guard walks away. Y/N and Ellie quickly go towards the door. Y/N forces the door open and they quickly squeeze through. Ellie closes the door and Y/N pushes the two barricades at the door so they wouldn't get through.

Ellie: That was easy.

Y/N: Yeah. It went way better than I expected. Come on, she's probably close.

Y/N and Ellie run up the stairs. Y/N opens the door to the second floor. They then walk down the hallway as they could hear music being played. Y/N sees a vent in the room.

Y/N: Hey, we can go through there.

Ellie: Okay.

Y/N and Ellie climbed into the vent as Y/N took point. They both saw a person below them hoping the person wouldn't hear them. Y/N and Ellie then heard two people talking. But the man suddenly left after saying Nora's name. Y/N looks at Ellie and she gives a thumbs up for the hallway being clear.

Y/N quietly open the vent and he drops down and so does Ellie. Y/N and Ellie walk into the room the Nora walked into. Nora comes back and she puts a tray onto the counter. Y/N draws his silenced pistol and he grabs Nora by the throat and throws her to the side.

Y/N: You make a fucking sound you'll die on the spot.

Nora: Please, don't.

Y/N: Hands up.

Nora puts her hands up. She looks at Ellie and she points at her.

Nora: I remember you.

Ellie: You should.

Nora: What do you want?

Y/N: Abby was here earlier. Where is she?

Nora: I don't know.

Y/N puts his finger on the trigger.

Nora: You shoot me the sound will have every soldier come running.

Y/N: But you'll be dead. And plus they won't hear anything. Because this is a supressor to block out the loud gun shot.

Ellie: Tell us where she went and I'll think about letting you go.

Nora: We could have killed you.

Ellie: Maybe you should have. Or maybe you should've just stayed the fuck out of Jackson.

Nora: Do you still hear his screams?

Ellie: What?

Nora: I hear them every night... Yeah. Yeah, that little bitch got what he deserved.

Ellie: You fucking cunt-

Suddenly Y/N started laughing. Ellie and Nora looked at him.

Y/N: Little bitch, huh...? Tell me ever heard of the story of the Firefly Hunter?

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