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Three months went by as the season was Fall. Y/N, Ellie, and Joel arrived at Jackson County.

Ellie: Jackson County. Means we're close to Jackson city, right?

Joel: Shouldn't be more than a few miles.

Ellie: You ready to see dear, old brother?

Joel: I'm just ready to get there.

Y/N: Nervous?

Joel: I don't know what I'm feeling.

Y/N: Well, let's go.

Y/N, Ellie, and Joel walk on the dirt road. They then see it was destroyed up ahead.

Ellie: So much for this road.

Joel: We just follow the river. It'll lead us straight to Tommy's. C'mon.

Y/N, Ellie, and Joel walk downhill.

Ellie: What happened between you two?

Joel: What do you mean?

Ellie: You and Tommy... you're not together, so clearly something went down.

Joel: We just had a bit of a disagreement, that's all.

Ellie: Oh, here we go... so what was it about?

Joel: Tommy saw the world one way, I saw it the other.

Ellie: And that's why he joined he Fireflies?

Joel: Yeah, your friend Marlene promised him hope. That kept him busy for awhile, but just like Tommy, he eventually quit that too.

Y/N: When was the last time you saw him?

Joel: I believe his last words to me were, "I don't ever want to see your god damned face again."

Ellie: Jeez. But he's gonna help us?

Joel: I suppose we're going to find out.

Ellie: Well, with or without his help, we'll get there.

Y/N, Ellie, and Joel arrive to see something pretty interesting.

Ellie: What's that?

Joel: That right there is a hydroelectric power plant.

Ellie: A... hydra who?

Y/N: It uses the river's movement and turns it into electricity.

Ellie: You know how it works?

Y/N: Yeah. I just haven't seen one in a long time that's all.

Y/N, Ellie, and Joel walk up the stairs. Joel turns the switch as only half of the walkway appeared.

Y/N: I can probably make that jump.

Y/N gets a running head start. Y/N runs and jumps as he grabs onto the ledge and he pulls himself up. Y/N then turns the switch as the platform goes up and lines with the other. Ellie and Joel walk across and rejoins with Y/N. They then go and walk up the stairs.

Ellie: Agh, I'm so hungry.

Joel: I know I am too.

Ellie: All right, next squirrel I see. I'm totally shooting it.

Y/N: You can use my bow.

Ellie: Really?

Y/N: Nope. I'm to scared you might break it.

Ellie: Wow, fine.

They crawl under the tree and reach the other side.

Ellie: Uh, should we head in?

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