The Culprits

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It was winter, Y/N was out in the woods hunting while Ellie stayed with Joel. A rabbit comes out of its den. Y/N shoots the rabbit with his bow as the arrow hits the rabbit right through the body. Y/N walks and grabs the rabbit and he ties it to Callus.

Y/N: *sighs* I need hunt more to feed all three of us.

Y/N looks to see a big buck. Y/N follows the big buck quietly. Y/N climbs on the rock and he sees the buck eating the grass. Y/N draws his bow and he shoots the buck right on the neck and it runs away. Y/N quickly chases after it as he follows the blood trail. Y/N follows the blood trail as Y/N saw multiple buildings. Y/N walks through the building and he sees his buck dead on the ground. Y/N walks up to the buck but he hears a twig snap. Y/N quickly draws his bow.

Y/N: Come out! I know you're there!

Then a man comes out motioning his hand to show he wasn't a threat.

???: Hello... we just want to talk.

Y/N: Do anything stupid and I'll kill you right where you stand. What do you want?

David: Um, name's David, this here's my friend, James. We're from a larger group women, children, we're all very, very hungry.

Y/N: So am I, women and children, all very hungry too.

David: Well, maybe we could ah, trade you for some of that meat there. What do you need? Weapons, ammo, clothes-

Y/N: Medicine. Do you have any antibiotics?

David: We do. Back at the camp. You're welcome to follow us-

Y/N: I'm not going anywhere. Ugly-looking can go get it. He comes back with what I need then the deer is all yours. Anyone else shows up-

David: You kill me where I stand.

Y/N: That's right.

David: Two bottles of the penicillin and a syringe. Make it fast. Go on.

James then leaves Y/N and David alone.

Y/N: Hand the rifle over.

David: Of course.

David puts the rifle on the ground as he backs up. Y/N puts the bow on his back and he grabs the rifle. Y/N points the rifle at David.

David: He's probably gonna be a while. You ah, mind if we take some shelter from the cold?

Y/N: Bring the buck with us.

David grabs the buck and he drags him inside while Y/N had the gun pointed at him. David makes a fire inside the building to stay warm.

David: You know, you shouldn't be out here all by yourself.

Y/N: I don't like company.

David: I see. What's your name?

Y/N: Why?

David: Look, I understand it's not easy to trust a couple of strangers. Whoever's hurt, you clearly care about them. I'm sure it's gonna be just fine.

Y/N: *sighs* We'll see.

Suddenly Y/N and David heard clickers and infected. A clicker runs inside as Y/N shoots it in the head.

Y/N: Pull out your pistol and great ready to fight.

David: You knew I had another gun?

Y/N: Of course, what kind of idiot doesn't bring another gun with him in a place like this.

David closes the door and covers the buck with a blue tarp so that the infected couldn't eat it. Y/N looks around the windows to see more were running in their direction. Y/N shoots an infected on the head as two more were behind him. David shoots the two behind Y/N as he continues to kill the infected running to his windows.

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