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Y/N wakes up as he saw Ellie sleeping next to him. Y/N sees Dina sleeping also. Y/N grabs his gun and he walks out of the room. Y/N walks towards the curtain and he walks through as he saw Joel, Tommy, and Jesse.

Y/N: What are you guys doing up?

Tommy: Couldn't sleep.

Jesse: Come take a look at this.

Y/N crouches down and looks at the map.

Jesse: Thought is to head home via Ellensburg.

Joel: If we're in fall city by tomorrow, we're doing good.

Y/N didn't say anything as he was a little angry that he didn't kill Abby.

Tommy: Hey, they got what they deserved.

Y/N: And she gets to live.

Joel: Yeah... is that okay?

Y/N: Yeah... Dina is the main priority right now.

Tommy: I'm not really looking forward going through Idaho again.

Jesse: What you should be worried about is what Maria's gonna do to you when we get home.

Tommy: We've been through worse.

Joel: I'm in trouble too aren't I?

Jesse: Oh, totally.

Tommy: However, when Joel and I were passing through some ritzy section of town, came across this necklace. It sparkles a lot. I think it's real gold.

Joel: It is real gold you idiot.

Jesse: If it's legit can we say it's from all of us?

Tommy: Ha! Find your own damn bribes.

Tommy walks away.

Jesse: I'll go check on Dina.

Jesse leaves Y/N and Joel alone.

Joel: How you doing, kiddo?

Y/N: Not good... the girl that I killed was pregnant... I wouldn't have done it if I knew.

Joel: I know... I'm sorry that you had to go through that. If we only got there faster I wouldn't have made you go through that situation.

Y/N: It's not your fault. My actions took over instead of my brain.

Joel: I'm just glad you're okay. When you got shot in the head... I thought I lost you... Ellie and I were devastated. But now that you're standing in front of me I'm glad to see that you're okay.

Y/N: (smiles) Thanks, old man.

Y/N and Joel suddenly heard Tommy grunt loudly. Y/N and Joel ran for the door but Joel stopped Y/N before they opened it.

Y/N: Joel, go around to the other door. I'll be the distraction.

Joel: Okay.

Joel goes to the other door. Y/N rams the door open and he quickly hides behind the counter as a bullet hits the wall.

???: Hands up! Hands in the air or I shoot this one, too!

Y/N's (thoughts): That voice... Abby.

Tommy: Don't do it! Get out of here!

Abby: Stand up now!

Tommy: Don't you fucking dare!

Abby: Shut the fuck up!

Abby kicks Tommy.
Y/N: Stop!

Y/N stands up with his hands in the air.

Abby: What...? I killed you.

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