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Y/N was sleeping but he could feel someone holding his hand. Y/N slowly opens his eyes as he saw Ellie sitting right next to him.

Ellie: (smiles) Hey...

Y/N: Hey... you okay?

Ellie: Yeah... It's just gonna take a while for me to get past it...

Y/N: Okay...

Ellie: Are you okay?

Y/N: I feel dead...

Ellie: I can tell. Jesse, did a good job on tending tending to your wounds.

Y/N: He better.

Ellie puts her hand on Y/N's face. Ellie pecks Y/N on the lips she then puts her forehead on his.

Jesse: Hey, can we talk about Dina?

Ellie: Yeah...

Y/N tries to get up.

Ellie: No, you stay here and rest.

Y/N: *sighs* Okay.

Ellie and Jesse walk into the employee room.

Jesse: She had a rough night last night. Barely could get her to keep her water down.

Ellie: Yeah...

Jesse: Is she pregnant?

Ellie: Yeah.

Jesse: I get why you and Y/N came out here, but we gotta take her back. She needs real care and she's not gonna get that-

Ellie: Yeah, I know. I know. But I can't just leave Joel and Tommy. They're out here because of me and Y/N. Maybe you could take her back.

Jesse: She's not gonna leave with you two.

Ellie: Yeah...

Jesse: Screw it. Let's get Joel and Tommy. This aquarium that girl told you about. Joel and Tommy haven't found Abby yet. We'll post up there until they do.

Y/N: Then let's get going.

Ellie: What? No, you're to hurt.

Y/N: You both have a better chance with me out there with you guys. And you both know that.

Ellie: *sighs* I hate it when you're right.

Y/N: You okay leaving Dina by herself?

Jesse: Her orders.

Ellie: Okay, let's go tell her we're leaving, then.

Jesse: Y/N and I will meet you outside.

Ellie: Okay.

Y/N, Ellie, And Jesse walked back downstairs. Y/N and Jesse walked out and they wait for Ellie to come out.

Jesse: You sure you good to be moving around?

Y/N: Come on, Jesse. You should know me by now.

Jesse: Heh, yeah, you right. Always hated sitting still even when you were sick or even injured.

Ellie walks out and Dina closes the door and she locks it.

Jesse: Your map showed the aquarium along the shore. Should be down this way.

Ellie: Yeah.

Y/N, Ellie, and Jesse walk down the road.

Jesse: So, when we find Joel and Tommy you guys cool with going home?

Ellie: Yeah, Dina should be back in Jackson.

Jesse: Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah. Besides it's your kid and your baby mama. I wouldn't want anything to happen to the both of them.

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