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Ellie was sitting on her bed trying to get over what happened to Y/N. Then suddenly someone knocks on her door. She gets up and heads to the door and opens it to see it was Joel.

Joel: He's okay.

Ellie hugs Joel.

Joel: It's my fault.

Ellie: No, it's not...

Joel: Let's go see him.

Ellie and Joel head inside to the house. They head to Y/N's room and she sees bandages wrapped around his head.

Ellie: Oh my god...

Ellie sits next to Y/N as he was still sleeping.

Ellie was crying until Joel sees Tommy and they head to the other room.

Joel: I'm planning to go after those people.

Tommy: Are you crazy? Do you know what you're walking into?

Joel: I don't care. They're going to pay for what they did to Y/N.

Tommy: But the amount of people that we would need...

Joel: No need. I'll go myself.

Tommy: Give me a day.

Joel: What?

Tommy: Give me a day. There's gotta be some people Maria can spare.

Joel: No, we don't need other people. This is my fight now.

Ellie heard Joel's conversation with Tommy. Ellie would sleep with Y/N for the night. Joel goes back to the room with Y/N and Ellie. Joel sits on the chair and he sleeps on there.

{The Next Day}

Ellie came back upstairs with a cup of water in her hand. Ellie sits on the side of the bed. Ellie grabs Y/N's hand and looks at him.

Maria: Ellie, I need to talk to you.

Ellie: What is it?

Maria: Follow me.

Ellie and Maria walk downstairs.

Ellie: What is it?

Maria takes out a note from her pocket.

Maria: "Maria. I'm headed to Seattle. I wish I could let it go, but I can't. Joel and I have to bring these people to justice. Ellie's going to try to come after us but stop her. Take her guns. Lock up the horses. Maybe lock her up. Buy us some time so we can end this. Love you always. Tommy." They're gonna get themselves killed.

Ellie: They should've taken me with them. You should've given them a group to go after those fuckers.

Maria: I wish I could.

Ellie: You gonna try to lock me up?

Maria: I prefer that you stay—

Ellie: That's not gonna fucking happen—

Maria: I prefer that you stay, but I know you better. I told the stables to let you out with your horse. Grab some ammo too. Just, uh, do me a favor and bring my dumbass husband and brother-in-law home in one piece, please.

Ellie: Of course.

Dina walks into the room.

Dina: Ellie, about that plan... oh...

Ellie: It's okay. She knows.

Maria: Well, you two better get going... you're losing light.

Ellie: Right...

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