One Year Ago

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Y/N was in the woods hunting with a group. Y/N had his bow in hand. Y/N tracked a deer to the river. Y/N was hiding behind the bushes as he saw the deer drinking water. Y/N pops out as he quickly drew his bow and he releases the arrow. The arrow hits the deer in the lungs. The deer takes a few steps but it falls instantly. Y/N walks up to the deer.

Y/N: *sighs* You're a good size. I'm sorry, it had to turn out this way.

Y/N puts the deer out of its misery.

Max: Wow, that's a big one.

Y/N: Yeah...

Jake: Hey, Claire, said she wanted to see you.

Y/N: Why?

Jake: Don't know. But you should go back to see what she wants.

Y/N: All right. Then I'll leave the deer in your guys's hands.

Max: Yep.

Y/N puts the bow on his back and he walks back to the fortress. Y/N looks up the sky to see it was getting dark. As Y/N arrived back the gates opened and Y/N walked inside. Y/N was walking through as he mostly saw everybody looking at him.

Y/N arrives at the house and he walks in to see Claire talking to two people that he didn't know. One was an old man and the other was a woman.

Y/N: Uh, who are these people?

Claire: Oh, Y/N, this is Joel and Tess.

Y/N: Uh, nice to meet you.

Y/N shakes hands with Joel and Tess.

Tess: This is your prodigy?

Claire: Yep.

Joel: Kind of young ain't he?

Claire: Just because he's young. That doesn't mean he can take care of himself. I taught him everything I knew.

Tess: Let's see it.

Y/N, Claire, Tess, and Joel walk to the back. Joel and Tess saw cans placed in different areas on the tree. Y/N holds his bow in hand.

Claire: Hit all ten cans on the tree. Start!

Y/N draws his bow and he hits the cans with incredible speed. Joel and Tess were impressed with his skills. Y/N really was a prodigy. Claire was smiling as she was proud of Y/N that he had gotten much better.

Y/N hits all ten as he turns around to see Joel and Tess lightly clapping. Y/N puts the bow on his back.

Joel: You got talent kid. You'll make it easier to at least complete jobs like us.

Y/N: Did you guys come from the city?

Joel: Yeah.

Y/N: Damn...

Claire: Oh, Tess, look what I got.

Claire takes it out of the cupboard.

Tess: A camera?

Claire: Let's take one with my three favorite people.

Tess: All right.

Joel: Same old, Claire.

Y/N, Joel, and Tess stand next to Claire. She takes the picture twice so she can give one to Joel and Tess.

Joel: Well, it was nice meeting you kid.

Y/N: Yeah, you too.

Tess: Well, see you next time, Claire.

Claire: Be safe.

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