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After Y/N, Ellie, and Joel lived in Jackson. Y/N was like a little brother to Maria as she would always check up on him and make sure he was doing well and they built a special bond. Joel was with Tommy. Joel was cleaning the guitar as he was telling Tommy about what happened at the hospital.

Joel: I don't know what happened. I was supposed to take her to the Fireflies and walk away. You go halfway across the country with someone... She needed her immunity to mean somethin'. Maybe I was starting to buy into that whole... cure business. Maybe I just wanted to do right by her. And then we made it. We found the Fireflies. And because of her... They were actually going to make a cure. The only catch... it would kill her. Then they were going to kill Y/N after finding out his identity.

Tommy: Jesus Christ, Joel. What'd you do?

Joel: I saved them.

Tommy: Goddamn. That's... That's a lot. What does Ellie know?

Joel looked at Tommy.

Joel: I told her they just ran some tests. I told her... her immunity meant nothin'.

Tommy: And she believed you?

Joel: Didn't say otherwise.

Tommy: What about, Y/N?

Joel: He knows the truth.

Tommy: We should head back.

Joel grabs his bag and they go into the garage. Joel and Tommy open the garage door. Joel and Tommy get on their horses and they ride together. Joel and Tommy rode back to Jackson. Joel and Tommy arrive back to the gate and two men help open the gate. Joel and Tommy ride through. Joel and Tommy hop off of their horses.

Joel: C'mon.

Tommy: It's okay, I got 'em. You two go on.

Joel: You sure?

Tommy: Yeah.

Joel grabs his bag.

Tommy: About what we were talkin' about earlier... I can't say I'd've done different. I'll take it to the grave, if I have to.

Joel: I'll see you later, Tommy.

Joel walks back home.

{Time Skip}

Y/N was with Ellie as they were both listening to music. Y/N was reading while Ellie was drawing in her journal. Joel opens the door as Y/N looked and saw. Y/N takes his headphones off.

Y/N: Ellie. Ellie!

Ellie didn't respond. Y/N got up and he walked up behind her. Y/N bit on her neck.

Ellie: AHHHHH!!!

Ellie takes off her headphones and she turns around and looks at Y/N and Joel to see they were both laughing.

Ellie: Jeez, you gave me a fucking heart attack!

Y/N: *laughs* Joel, wants to talk to you.

Ellie looks at Joel.

Ellie: Hey.

Joel: Hey.

Ellie: What's up, Joel?

Joel: Just checking in. Folks are... y'know, talking about how impressed they are with you and Y/N and how well you both are helping out.

Ellie: That's good.

Joel: Yeah.

Joel: Tommy and I went out riding the other day and he, uh... he told me joke and I thought about you, it's, um... Oh shoot, now I forgot it, uh... It was somethin' about a clock... how do you-

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