The Sewers

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Y/N, Ellie, Joel, Sam, and Henry walk along the beach after Y/N, Ellie, and Joel escaped.

Ellie: That was intense. You cool?

Joel: Yeah. Let's go find that radio tower. You okay, Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm fine. I just need to calm down for a bit before I lose my cool and end up killing somebody.

Joel: Alright.

Y/N, Ellie, Joel, Sam, and Henry climb up as there was a giant sewer pipe sticking out on the side of the cliff.

Henry: Hey, I bet this goes all the way through.

Joel: Alright. Same time. Come on.

Henry: Let's do it.

Joel and Henry open it together as Y/N, Ellie, and Sam entered inside. Joel enters inside as he holds it open for Henry. Henry gets in and Joel slowly closes it.

Henry: Hey, flashlights out. Sam, stay-

Sam: Stay close, I know.

Henry: Someone's finally learning.

Y/N and the others stopped as there were two different path ways.

Ellie: Y/N, Joel, we should check what's over here.

Henry: Alright, we'll check this side out.

Henry and Sam head to the left as Y/N, Ellie, and Joel head to the right.

Y/N: If they betray us again. Can I shoot them?

Ellie: Y/N...

Y/N: Fine...

Joel: She got you all tied up?

Y/N: *sighs* You have no idea.

Ellie: I'm not a fan of this place.

Joel: Me neither. But we ain't got much of a choice.

Y/N: This place gives me chills on the back of my neck.

Ellie: Some kind of sixth sense?

Y/N: No, just a feeling.

Joel sees a doorbut it was blocked.

Joel: It's blocked.

Y/N: Maybe we can open this vent and someone can crawl through.

Joel gets the vent open and a rat runs out as Ellie freaks out a bit.

Y/N: Can you fit in there, Ellie?

Ellie: Can you?

Y/N: I could if my muscles weren't to big.

Ellie: Sure.

Ellie crawls through the vent as she entered inside the room. She moves the table and opens the door.

Ellie: And... voila.

Y/N and Joel enter inside and they all start searching around the room.

Ellie: Do you think they'll join us all the way to Tommy's?

Joel: Well, I don't know. We're just gonna have to see how everything pans out.

They walk out of the room as they found nothing. They regroup with Henry and Sam.

Henry: Hey, this way. Looks like there's a path up ahead. Right here.

Y/N, Ellie, and Joel follow Henry and Sam. They walk into a room as there was water surrounding the room.

Sam: Can we get out this way?

Henry: No, it's too high to reach that.

Sam: Well, I can't swim.

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