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Y/N wakes up to see himself tied up to a chair. Y/N tries to get out and the door suddenly opens.

Marlene: The famous Firefly hunter.

Y/N: The Queen Firefly.

Marlene: You killed a lot of my men.

Y/N: Had no choice. I was only defending myself.

Marlene: Bull shit. A 14-year-old like you killing almost half of my army. It sounds pretty unbelievable.

Y/N: It wasn't until you checked my bag right?

Marlene: Damn right.

Marlene punches Y/N in the face.

Y/N: Weak.

Marlene then walks out and leaves the room.


Joel was alone with the Firefly. The Firefly marches Joel out of the room.

Firefly 1: Gimme an excuse.

Joel: Which way?

The Firefly motions his gun to the left. Joel walks but he sees his bag on the table and he stops.

Firefly 1: Keep walking. I said keep-

Joel uses his elbow to hit the gun up and he takes the Firefly's gun away from him. Joel then pistol whips him across the face he points the gun right at the Firefly's waist.

Joel: Where is Y/N?

Firefly 1: Two doors down behind you and third door to the left.

Joel shoots the Firefly's waist.

Joel: Where is the operating room?

Joel shoots him on the waist again.

Joel: Where?!

Firefly 1: Top floor. The far end.

The Firefly kneels to the ground and Joel shoots him on the head.

Firefly 2: Gunshots! Search the floor!

Joel walks past the two doors and he opens the third one to see Y/N tied.

Joel: Y/N.

Y/N: Joel...

Joel: I'm gonna get you out of here and we're gonna get Ellie.

Y/N: Okay.

Joel unties Y/N. Y/N grabs his bag and knife. Y/N and Joel walked out of the room and they hid behind the wall as there were two armed Fireflies that came into the hallway. Y/N stabs one and Joel chokes the other. Y/N grabs the pistol as he and Joel move forward.

Y/N and Joel see a group of Fireflies in the room ahead. Y/N peeks out and shoots the two Fireflies right in the head. Y/N and Joel quickly get behind cover and they see three Fireflies standing there getting ready to shoot.

Joel: Go around. I'll distract them.

Y/N: Okay.

Y/N goes around as Joel shoots blindly without even looking at the Fireflies. Y/N peeks around the corner and he shoots the Firefly on the head. The two Fireflies look at Y/N's direction. Joel runs up and shoots the one on the right. The Firefly looks back to Joel running at him but Y/N shoots the Firefly before he pulled the trigger at Joel.

Y/N and Joel see reinforcements coming through the door. Y/N and Joel hide behind the wall and Joel throws a molotov at the group of Fireflies burning them alive. Y/N peeks and he shoots the last Firefly from the group. Y/N and Joel enter the west wing. Y/N and Joel quickly hide behind the desk as another group of Fireflies come running through.

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