2 Years Later

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Y/N was fully able to recover his memories after he got hit in the head by Abby in the theater. But that was all behind them now. Ellie was looking at herself in the mirror to see how much her face changed as it looked a little more mature and femine.

(A/N: This is what I pictured Ellie looking like after Last of Us 1. I don't also own this fanart.)

Ellie: Wow, I changed that much

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Ellie: Wow, I changed that much.

Ellie walks out of the bathroom and she heads back to the bed to see Y/N still sleeping. Ellie sits on top of Y/N. Y/N slowly opens his eyes and he looks at Ellie.

Ellie: Wake up sleepy head.

Y/N: Good morning...

Y/N holds Ellie's left hand and he looks at the ring on her finger and he smiles.

Ellie: What? You still can't believe I'm your wife?

Y/N: Yeah... feels like a dream.

Ellie: Well, it's reality.

Y/N: You look beautiful.

Ellie: And you look cute.

Ellie pecks Y/N on the lips. Then someone was suddenly knocking on their door.

Ellie: Well, get dressed. Looks like we got company.

Y/N: Okay.

Y/N gets out of the bed and he puts on his shirt and pants. Y/N walks downstairs as he heard Ellie talking with two other people. Y/N walks into the living room to see it was Tommy and Maria with their baby.

Y/N: Hey, Tommy.

Tommy: Hey, little man.

Y/N: Really? Little man?

Tommy: *chuckles* Yep.

Y/N: At least I'm still young and you are old.

Tommy: Don't worry, you'll get there soon.

Y/N: Hey, Maria.

Maria: Hey, sweetheart.

Ellie: Babe, you're forgetting someone.

Y/N looks at Ellie to see her holding Maria's baby.

Y/N: Awe, there's, Lily.

Y/N sits next to Ellie and he starts playing Lily for a bit.

Maria: You two gonna have kids of your own?

Y/N and Ellie looked at each other.

Ellie: Well, we thought about it. I told Y/N that I was ready but it's just his decision. But I'm not rushing him or anything.

Y/N: Yeah.

Maria: Well, that's good.

Y/N: Well, I mean except for Jesse should've used protection.

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