Meeting Bill

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Y/N, Joel, and Ellie saw the town just up ahead.

Joel: Now there we go...

Joel looks over the railing.

Joel: Yeah, it'll be faster to go through here.

Joel jumps over the railing and so does Y/N and Ellie.

Ellie: Man...

Joel: What?

Ellie: Nothing. It's just... I've never seen anything like this, that's all.

Y/N: You mean the woods?

Ellie: Yeah. Never walked through the woods. It's kinda cool.

Y/N: You'll like it. It's very peaceful.

Ellie: Okay... Hey, why don't you just take me back to Marlene?

Joel: If she was up to the task, why'd she drop you off on us?

Ellie: Well, maybe she's better now.

Joel: Kid, I don't mean to upset you, but your friend's chances of survival weren't too high to begin with.

Ellie: She's a lot tougher than you think.

Joel: It don't matter. 'Cause I doubt I could get either one of us back to the city in one piece. Trust me. I wish there was some other option.

Ellie: So, Y/N...

Y/N: What is it?

Ellie: Where did you learn how to do all of that stuff?

Y/N: Someone close to me taught it to me.

Ellie: I'm guessing her name was Claire?

Y/N: Yeah...

Ellie: Sorry, I didn't mean to-

Y/N: It's fine. You're just curious that's all. She taught it to me so that I could survive in this world.

They arrive at the gate but it was locked.

Joel: Damn...

Ellie: Can't we just climb it?

Joel: No, there's wires on the top. We'll have to find a different way.

Y/N: Maybe we can use the plank over there to walk across.

Y/N, Joel, and Ellie jump over the tree. Y/N climbs to the roof of the little building as Joel grabs the plank and he sets it next to the wall. Y/N pulls the plank up and he sets it down at the other building so they could cross it. Y/N, Ellie, and Joel walk across the plank as they reach the other side. Joel sees smoke in the city.

Joel: That you Bill?

Ellie: Where do you usually meet him?

Joel: Huh? Different places.

Ellie: You've never been here haven't you?

Joel: I know this is where he lives, but... no, I ain't never been here personally.

Ellie: And that smoke, you think that's him?

Joel: Sure as hell better be.

Y/N: So, basically we're gonna have to find him?

Joel: Yeah.

Y/N: Well, let's go then.

Joel: Down here. Just watch your step. It's a good drop.

Y/N, Ellie, and Joel drop down. Y/N and Joel then heard a clicker inside the little shed.

Joel: Be quiet, there's a clicker inside.

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