TV Station

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After Y/N knocked Ellie and Dina out. He remembered the route to the TV station.

Y/N's (thoughts): Now, that I think about it... I should've asked them some questions since they're after the same people. Oh, well.

Y/N sees a motel and he walks through. Y/N suddenly hears multiple people talking.

Man 1: He was the worst.

Y/N peeks his head up as he sees at least three people through the window. Two inside the building and one outside. Y/N draws his bow and he shoots the man in the head with the arrow.

Y/N quickly runs to and he hides behind the wall. Y/N looks through the door to see a man and a woman. Y/N runs in and he kicks the man through the window as the man's neck landed on a sharp piece of glass. Y/N grabs the woman and he snaps her neck.

Y/N's (thoughts): There sure are a lot of you.

Y/N walks down the road as he sees another patrol going into the gas station. Y/N sees about five people. Y/N quickly runs and hides behind the wall. Y/N looks to see they were standing next to a propane tank.

Y/N pulls out his pistol. Y/N looks and shoots the propane tank and it explodes killing everybody in the room. Y/N puts his pistol in the holster and walks away.

Y/N walks through the alleyway and he walks onto the road. Y/N looks down the road to see a bank. Y/N walks towards it until he sees a patrol swarming the area.

Y/N's (thoughts): Damn... do you guys reproduce or something?

Y/N hides behind the tree and he looks to see the gate was guarded. Y/N looks at the building to see that it leads to the other side.

Y/N's (thoughts): I'm gonna have to sneak through.

Y/N quickly runs into the bank without being seen. Y/N jumps over the desk and he crouches his way out. Y/N sees tall grass and he quickly runs and hides inside it. Two people walk by him. The man that was guarding the gate decides to walk away.

Y/N gets up and he runs on the gate and he grabs onto the ledge. Y/N pulls himself up and he drops down on the other side. Y/N runs up the wall and he grabs onto the ledge. Y/N pulls himself up and he sees the TV station.

Y/N's (thoughts): Almost there.

Y/N drops down but he suddenly hears a clicker. Y/N turns around and the clicker suddenly exploded.

Y/N: Traps.

Y/N walks through as he sees two traps guarding the other gate. Two infected see Y/N and they run towards him but they hit the traps and they explode. Y/N walks through as he makes a right turn. Y/N sees everything damaged as there was just no road.

Y/N: Damn. Everything is destroyed.

Y/N slides down the hill as he reaches to the bottom. Y/N continues to walk as he sees some drawings on the wall. Y/N looks to his right to see dead infected and a horse.

Y/N: These were all shot.

Y/N looks at the horse and he checks the bag but there was nothing in it. Y/N continues on the route to the TV station. Y/N walks up the hill and he climbs over the stone barricade.

Y/N: More dead infected.

Y/N looks at the gated door to see a mattress was blocking the other side.

Y/N: Someone came through here but it was only one person.

Y/N looks to his left to see more traps.

Y/N: Damn.

Y/N walks in between the two cars. Y/N sees two traps blocking each side of the truck so Y/N opens the door to a karate school and he walks inside. Y/N goes through the hole as he sees two more traps blocking his way again.

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