Truth & Forgiveness

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Two months have passed. Ellie writes a note to Y/N and Joel. Ellie sneaks out at night as she rides to the hospital where she was taken out of. Ellie enters inside the hospital. Ellie walks in the hallway and she looks around to see so much stuff.

Ellie: Left a lot of stuff behind.

Ellie walks down the hallway as she walks into a room and she opens a box but only finds junk.

Ellie: *sighs* Come on... There's gotta be something... Why'd you guys leave?

Ellie walks out of the room and she walks down the hallway. Ellie walks into an office and she sees pictures on the desk.

Ellie: Is that me?

Ellie walks out of the office. She walks down the hallway and she sees a note and reads it. Ellie finishes reading the note and she sets it back down. Ellie opens the door and she sees a blood stain and duffel bags. Ellie walks to the duffel bag and she opens it. Ellie finds a recorder and she plays it.

Firefly 1 (recorder): Most people have left already. I don't know which group I'm going to join... I was one of the ones that wanted to go after the smuggler, the Firefly hunter, and the girl. They said... Even if we found her, or by some miracle found someone else that's immune, it'd make no difference. 'Cause the only person who could develop a vaccine is dead. If only we killed the smuggler and the Firefly hunter earlier. None of this would've happened.

Ellie replays it over and over again. Ellie was sitting outside while the sun was up. Ellie sees Joel and Y/N.

Joel: Ellie!

Y/N: Oh, thank god you're safe.

Y/N and Joel get off their horses.

Joel: Come here.

Joel hugs Ellie.

Joel: The hell were you thinkin'? Running off in the middle of the night like that.

Y/N: Seriously, got me freaking out really bad. Ellie, you have me and Joel talk to.

Joel: You can't just leave us a goddamn note.

Ellie pushes Joel away.

Ellie: Tell me... what happened here. If you both lie to me one more time, I'm gone. You two will never see me again.

Y/N: Ellie-

Ellie: Stop. If you tell me the truth, I'll go back to Jackson. No matter what it is.

Y/N and Joel were hesitant to answer.

Ellie: Just say it. Y/N. Joel.

Joel: Making a vaccine... would have killed you. So, Y/N and I stopped them.

Ellie started crying and she sat down.

Ellie: Oh my god.

Joel tries to comfort Ellie but she hits his hand away.

Ellie: Don't you fucking touch me!

Y/N looked away.

Ellie: I'll go back. But we're done.

Ellie grabs her bag and walks past Y/N.

Y/N: Ellie...

Ellie: You and me will talk later...

Y/N nods. Ellie gets on her horse and she rides back. Y/N walks up to Joel and he puts his hand on Joel's shoulder.

Y/N: Let's go back...

Joel: Yeah...

Y/N and Joel get on their horses and they ride back to Jackson while following Ellie making sure to see if she was actually heading back.

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