Joel and Ellie

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After a year of killing many Fireflies. Y/N was nicknamed the Firefly hunter. Many of them were afraid of him but they never knew his real age or even knew what he looked like. Whenever Y/N killed a group of Fireflies he would only draw down a symbol that would be recognized by only the Fireflies.

Y/N's (thoughts): Killing Fireflies is getting so boring. Do they reproduce or something? Whenever I kill them they just keep coming and coming.

Y/N heard something move so he took out his bow. As he stopped and looked around. An infected came running at Y/N as he quickly drew his bow and the infected in the head.

Y/N's (thoughts): I should get out of here before more show up.

Y/N continues to walk as he looked at his map at the next location where the Fireflies are hiding.

Y/N's (thoughts): Hmm... the capital building.

Y/N looks to see it was up ahead.

Y/N's (thoughts): I should get to higher ground to scope out the area.

Y/N goes to the alleyway as there was a ladder that lead to the roof. Y/N climbed to the top of the roof. Y/N looks at the capital building with his binoculars to see there were at least five people inside.

Y/N looks down as he jumps down and lands on the platform below him. Y/N drops down to the geound as he looks over the railing to see a Firefly standing below him. Y/N pulls out his switchblade and he jumps down and stabs the Firefly in the neck.

Y/N throws the body to the side. Y/N searches the body as he found a note.

Y/N: 5'3 girl, brown hair, age 14. Hmmm, interesting. What do they want with you?

Y/N walks up to the door but it was locked. Y/N takes a few steps back. Y/N runs on the wall and he jumps off of it and grabs onto the wooden board. Y/N pulls himself up as he walks across and sees the capital building.

Y/N drops down and he walks through the water. Y/N quickly ran up the stairs to the building and he looked through the window to see them walking around.

Y/N's (thoughts): There should be another way I can get in.

Y/N runs to the right side of the building as he saw a ladder. Y/N climbs onto the ladder as he climbs to the top. Once Y/N reached to the top, Y/N opened the window and he aimed his bow.

Y/N would shoot the Fireflies silently without even alerting them with his bow. Y/N grabs a rope and he ties it around a pole. Y/N repels down to the floor as the Fireflies in the capital building were dead.

Y/N searches the bodies to find anything on the next location of the Fireflies. But he didn't find anything.

Y/N: Damn it... this is a dead end.

Y/N draws his symbol on the wall. Once Y/N finished he suddenly heard three people talking outside. Y/N quickly hides behind the pillar as he holds his pistol. The door opened.

???: No. No, no.

???: What happens now?

???: What are you doing, Tess?

Tess: Oh, god. Maybe they ah, maybe they had a map or something to tell us where they were going.

Joel: How far are we gonna take this?

Tess: As far as it needs to go. Where was this lab of theirs?

???: Oh, she never said. She only mentioned that it was someplace out west.

Joel: What are we doing here? This is not us.

Tess: What do you know about us? About me?

Joel: I know that you are smarter than this.

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